Chapter 42

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Takemichi was now opening his eyes and once he did he noticed that Y/n's body was now laying next to him.

Takemichi then carefully turned to starred at her and once he did he realized that his hands were covered in blood.....but it wasn't was her blood.

Takemichi eyes widen as he then started checking up on Y/n.

Takemichi:"Y-Y/n-Chan? O-Oi, Y/n-Chan!!! Y/n-Chan!!!" he said as he felt that her body was now cold, but refused to believe what just happened.

Naoto:"G-Gomen, Takemichi-kun..........I.......I had to do it......." he said as Takemichi turned to Naoto and looked at him in tears and confusion.






As Y/n was about to end the knocked out Takemichi, Naoto came out his hidding spot holding a gun and shot her in the back, causing Y/n to collapse on top off Takemichi's body and dropping the bisturi aswell.

Naoto then walked up to the knocked out Takemichi and carefully pushed Y/n off him as he was trying to wake up his partner.

It was until he heard groaning coming from Y/n as she was now coughing blood out of her mouth.

Naoto then turn to her as he glared at her in hatred.

Y/n:"I never intended to end up like was all because of a 'gift', that was given to me........ I knew that Takemichi-Kun......was going to need your help to track me down, since he couldn't do it by himself.........I could've prevented that event by killing the both of you........yet..........I just didn't want it to happen..........I wanted to be set free from this 'gift' that has been given to me by God........This is not my body........and the owner of it, didn't derseve her life to be taken away by someone else.......... I did not deserve taking away the happiness of someone else.........I did not deserve to be given of a second chance in life........ Tachibana Naoto, I never killed your sister.........It was the Tokyo Manji Gang ruled by Kisaki Tetta.......I managed to destroy it, yet it didn't change a thing......... But, Takemichi-Kun is able to fix this, unlike me........Takemichi-Kun is special just like me, isn't it? I just see things, but he.......he can alterate them......right?............I-I need to tell you something.....please just hear me out.......I don't.....have much time.....before.....I-I......" she was then interrupted as she started coughing even more blood as Naoto then kneel down and heard what she had to say before dying.










Takemichi:"W-Wait......t-that's what she said? S-So that means that......."

Naoto:"You can travel through time.......while Y/n Hime is able to see events happening through her own point of view in the future. So far they have all proven to be 100% accurate, but they tend to be blurry and hard for her to tell what is going on when her ability randomly activates. She cannot control when her ability manifests itself."he said as Takemichi then grabbed Y/n's corpse in a bridal style with tears coming out his eyes.

Takemichi:"So all this time........You were trying to help me...yet, I never knew.........You are suffering more than I am........It must have hurt for you to try to fix everything even if it would likely ended up into murder............." he said in tears as he was holding Y/n's corpse.

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