Chapter 27

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Takemichi was now laying on a couch, with stitches on his face from the beat down he received from Taiju Shiba, as he was thinking about the current situation that was now happening.

Takemichi:(Little by little.....I'm starting to get it. If Kazutora-Kun told me in the future is correct. Hakkai-Kun is gonna kill his older brother Taiju-Kun, the President of the Black Dragons.....Then Hakkai will take over the gang, and join forces with the Tokyo Manji Gang......And it'll result in the future I saw. So, should I stop Hakkai-Kun from killing his older brother? That doesn't really sound right.....Whether is Hakkai-Kun or Taiju-Kun the boss......The Black Dragons will be bad news either way. Then, I'm going to fight the Black Dragons? That's impossible. First Kisaki Tetta, now the Black Dragons.......problems adding up. But, I gotta solve them.) he thought in his head as he then sit down on the couch and looked more confident.

Takemichi*whisper*:"........I'm the only one, who can do this.......I can't depend on anyone else....I gotta do it alone..... I have to do this...." he said however he was unlucky that his friends overheard him whispering.

Akkun:"What are you mumbling about?" he asked Takemichi as he was eating an hamburger in the kitchen.

Yamagishi:"Creepy-Michi." he said.

Takemichi:"Huh? You guys......wait.....WHAT ARE YOU DOING AT MY PLACE?!?!" he yelled surprise to see the Yamagishi, Akkun, Makoto and Takuya.

Takuya:"This is Y/n-Chan's house, Takemichi-Kun. Don't you remember we had a meeting?" he asked Takemichi as Takemichi eyes widen.

Makoto:"You're a member of the 6th Division of the Tokyo Manji Gang, man. Grow some self awareness." he said to Takemichi.

Takuya:"If you keep being reckless, we won't be able to keep our 6th Division together." he said with a smile on his face.

Takemichi:"Huh? What do you mean....'we'? WHAT?!?! DID YOU GUYS JOIN THE TOKYO MANJI GANG?!?" he asked Takuya, Makoto, Akkun and Yamagishi.

Yamagishi and Akkun:"Huh? Yes, we did." they both responded to Takemichi.

Y/n then jump and sat next to Takemichi.

Y/n:"I invited them in myself, don't you remember?" she asked Takemichi as Takemichi just sweatdropped.

Chifuyu then came out the kitchen eating up his Peyoung Yakisoba.

Chifuyu:"What's with the long pause.....?" he asked.

Takemichi eyes widen once he saw Chifuyu.

Takemichi:"(C-Chifuyu-Kun......) Erm.......I-It's nothing......" he said.

Akkun:"Still, to think that the Black Dragons would shatter the balance......" he said.

Yamagishi:"Yeah. Things are going to get rough." he said.

Makoto:"The Higher Ranks  are going to get involved aswell...." he said.

Kazutora then walked up and wrapped his arms around Y/n's neck.

Kazutora:"Y/n-Chan's a Captain now, a gang that grew 450 members after absorbing Valhalla. Hanagaki-Kun, a member of the Tokyo Manji Gang, getting beaten up by the Black Dragons is more than enough to start a conflict. If we're gonna get into a fight with the Black Dragons its not gonna be like anything you're going to be dealing with easily. These guys are known for their active fighting faction, The Killer Squad. The Black Dragons have been the Top Delinquent Gang in the region of Kanto for Generations." he said.

Chifuyu:"And the 10th Generation of Black Dragons are the most maniacal and evil one they ever had." he said.

" he said

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