Chapter 15

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It was now a peaceful and calm day after the events happened between The Tokyo Manji Gang and the Moebius and right now Mikey was running away from Y/n after eating her Daifuku.....





Y/n:"Mikey!!!! You piece of sh*t!!!! How dare you eating my Daifuku!!!!" she then trew a fry pan at Mikey, who manage to barely avoid it and hide behind a couch.

Mikey:"Huh? So it was yours? Damn....that's why it tasted like crap." he said trying to pissed her off even more and it was working as Y/n then jumped over the couch, grabbed the fry pan from the floor and then started swinging it at Mikey.

Mikey was smiling as he was avoiding each swing, before Y/n then manage to kick Mikey in the stomach, knocking him on the floor before pointing the fry pan at his face.

Mikey:".......You're taking it to a whole other level now.....I was joking when I said it tasted like crap......You women are so agressive over the food......that it just-" he was then interrupted by the door of the house opening as Seya Hime then stepped in the house.

Seya:"Honey, I'm home-" she then stopped herself as soon as she saw the disaster in the kitchen and in the living room as she sweatdropped once she saw Y/n pointing a fry pan at Mikey.

Y/n and Mikey then turned towards Seya.

Mikey:"Hello!!! Miss. Hime!!!!" he said happily as Y/n then sweatdropped as soon as she saw Seya coming in the house.

Y/n:"H-Hello.....M-Mother......" she said as she then put the fry pan behind her back as she tried the best to not make Seya angry, however the mother was just dissapointed.

Seya:"I leave the house for 7 hours and this is what happens?!?" she said angrily and pouted furiously at the two Middle Schoolers.

Seya:"I leave the house for 7 hours and this is what happens?!?" she said angrily and pouted furiously at the two Middle Schoolers

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Y/n was now going to get some grocery as a punishment for ruining the house, and after she was done grabbing what was needed she went to pay the food.

Y/n then walked out the grocery store as she sighed before all of the sudden she ended up pumping into someone.

Y/n:"Oh, Gomen....." she then bowed down and apologize before looking up to see it was a boy with long wavy black hair, wearing normal cloathing.

The two then start making eye contact before Y/n then realize who the boy was as her eyes widen.

Y/n:"Oh, wait!!!! I remember you!!!! You're......erm......Erm.........Sh*t, who are you again?" she asked him as she sweatdropped not remembering who Baji was.

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