Chapter 76

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It was now the 26th March of 2006 as Akkun was driving his motorcyle with Takemichi sitting behind him.

Takemichi:"Akkun, can you drove me to Y/n-Chan's house? Me and her needs to have a talk...." he said to Akkun.

Akkun:"Sure, man." he said with a smile on his face.

Takemichi:( Before I time travel to 12 years in the future, me and Y/n-Chan need to have a talk regarding her abilities and mine...... Also, I wished I could've time travel 3 days  ago........ I forgot to give a present to both Y/n-Chan and Hina-Chan...... Hina-Chan will kill me if I don't give her that present.......... Aaaaaaaah, damn it!!!!!!!!! Why can't everything just go smoothly!!!!!!!) he thought in his head as he didn't realized he was making Akkun lose control of his motorcycle.

Akkun:"Oi! Oi! Oi!!!! Takemicchi!!!!! Put your hands down my hair!!!!!! Or we're both falling!!!!!!!" he yelled to Takemichi.

Takemichi:"A-Ah, s-sorry Akkun!!!!!!!!!" he apologized to Akkun.

Akkun:"Takemicchi, it looks like you have so much in your head...... How about this, since I feel like for some odd reason you haven't given a Valentine's day present to Hina-Chan.... How about leaving all the situation to me? I've got a plan....." he said with a smile.

Takemichi:( Thank you, Akkun to exist!!!!!) he thought in his head in relief.









When Akkun left Takemichi infront of Y/n's house Takemichi was going to knock the door when all of the sudden it opened revealing Y/n with a backpack.

Takemichi:"O-Oh, Y/n-Chan I was looking for you right now.....Do you have time to talk?" he asked with a smile on his face.

A frown then appeared on Y/n's face, before she checked her watch.

Y/n:"Okay, I still have some time....." she said with a smile.

Takemichi and Y/n then walked back inside Y/n'shouse and sat down on a couch and started talking.

Takemichi:( Hmmm, it's kinda quite........ Everyone must have gone out except of Y/n-Chan......) he thought in his head.

Y/n:"So........ I guess you are here because of that thing I told you before we went to war against Tenjiku, am I right?" she asked Takemichi.

Takemichi:"Yup!!!!" he said.

Y/n then nodded and started talking about who she used to be and how she hads gotten to this point, telling each detail of what she knew however leaving only one detail she couldn't understand herself.......... Who is she right now? Because after Tenjiku, Y/n ididn't feel like hshe was two person in one body however she felt like she was only one person...... and none of the two personalities have left the body.

Y/n:"Hey, Takemichi-Kun......... no matter Era, I'll always see you as a friend..........Right now that we're done talking, Akkun already prepared the big surprise for Hina-Chan." she said with a smile.

Takemichi:"Oh, yeah you're right, but hold on!!!!!! You didn't have a Valentine!!!!!!!!! So a brought you this, I know this isn't!!!" he said revealing a box containing something before he left the house to go see what Akkun has planned.

Y/n starred at the present that Takemichi has just given her with a smile before it disappeared as she put it inside of her backpack and checked inside of her pockets.

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