Chapter 13

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As the night started raining on the 3rd August, Y/n was still hiding in the abandoned warehouse as the Moebius delinquents were waiting for her with knives in their hands, ready to get rid of her as soon as she is spotted coming this way.

Y/n:(Aah, sh*t man....these guys aren't leaving...) she thought in her head as unfourtnetly the Moebius delinquents were still there, right now the only thing she hoped was for Mitsuya to show up with some members of the Tokyo Manji Gang to beat the crap out of the members of Moebius, who were only five armed with weapons, all she had to do was believe in him.

As Y/n was hiding inside one of the boxes of the warehouse and just hoped for somebody to come and help her.

Moebius member:"What the f*ck is taking that b*tch for to come here?!? Sh*t, I'm getting tired of this sh*t!!" he said feeling bored for waiting the girl to show up to the place, unknown to him that she was already there.

Moebius member 2:"F*cking chill man. Kyomasa said that he will be dealing with Draken, okay? And it's not like the girl is that much of a problem...." he said trying to calm down his teammate.

Y/n:( I'm not that much of a problem, huh? You got to see me if you motherf*ckers didn't pull no weapons, I would've f*ck you up. I could dismarm one, but sh*t. The other four are going to jump me and I'll be sent to God, immidiatly.) she thought in her head while she was inside of a box.

Moebius member 3:"It's raining a lot out there isn't it? She probably went home or some sh*t and we are probably wasting our f*cking time here. We should be with our President and go beat the sh*t out of the so called Tokyo Manji Gang. Bunch of snot-nosed brats." he said arrogantly.

Moebius member 4:"Yeah, right. But remember what our President said, 'Don't f*ck around with those snot-nosed brats'. They have been getting pretty known out here and that isn't something to be careless of." he said warning his teammate.

Then a member of Moebius sit on a box, where Y/n was hiding as Y/n got worried as the member of Moebius then stab his knife on the box almost hitting Y/n in the face.

Y/n then held her breath as the Member of Moebius then start cracking his neck.







Meanwhilw with Takemichi he was still tied up on the tree beaten up and out of consciousness as the raining was coming down, until all of the sudden Takemichi then start opening his eyes once he heard the voice of someone calling him.

Takemichi then looked up to see Hina, who was cutting the ropes that were holding Takemichi on the tree, with a knife.

Takemichi then collapse on the floor as Hina then went to check up on him.

Hina:"Takemichi-kun!! Takemichi-Kun!!! What happened to you?!?!? Are you alright?!?! Who did this to you?!?!" she asked as Takemichi was still laying on the floor.

Takemichi:"..........I'm sorry......for leaving you alone......I really suck at all of this....."

Hina:"Why would you say such thing?!? I want to know what is going on right now!! I want an explaination!!!"

Takemichi:".............I did the best I could....hina-Chan.....It hurts......It f*cking sucks.....I really did my best to fix things...and yet...I really haven't change anything at all.......I haven't manage to save everyone!!!! But what else can you expect from me!!!! I'm a complete failure, that can only talk sh*t as the strong ones have to do the job. How stupid can I be?!?!" he said in tears, before Hina then started helping out on his feet and look at him straight in the eyes.

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