Chapter 20

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As the fight between the Tokyo Manji Gang and Valhalla was going on, Takemichi was searching for Keisuke Baji, but ended up getting caught by one of the delinquents of Valhalla.

Kazutora, taking the chance that the brawl was going on he charged towards Mikey and tried to punch him.

Kazutora:"OI!!! MIKEY!!!! YOU'RE DEAD, MOTHERF*CKER!!!!" he said with a smirk on his face, however Draken manage to block Kazutora's punch, before it could've even reached Mikey.

Draken:"Do you really think you can take on Mikey? You're nowhere near his level." he said to Kazutora.

Kazutora:"Draken!!! You bastard!!!" he yelled at Draken.

However someone sneaked behind Draken's back, Draken however manage to quickly noticed him and blocked the incoming kick, which pushed the Vice-President far away from Mikey and Kazutora.

Draken:"F*ck!!" he said as he noticed who is opponent was, Shuji Hanma.

Hanma:"Hehehe, you got to deal with me now!!" he said to Draken.

Draken:"Come to get some? Hanma?" he said to the current leader of Valhalla.

Hanma then turned to Kazutora.

Hanma:"Oi!! Kazutora-Kun, Mikey is all yours now." he said with a grin on his face.

Kazutora then smirk since he was face to face with Mikey as Draken was forced to fight against Hanma.

Hanma:"Let's have some fun, Vice-President." he said arrogantly as Draken then started cracking his neck.

Draken:"Hell yeah!! I can finally get serious for once!!" he said.

Kazutora then tilted his head towards Mikey, with an evil grin on his face.

Kazutora:"Mikey-Kun, I've been waiting sooo long for this!!" he said excitated to battle against 'The Invincible Mikey'.

Mikey:"............I won't hold back.......Kazutora-Kun." he said calmly.

Takemichi eyes widen once he realized what was going to happen.

Takemichi:(Huh?!? Mikey-Kun and Kazutora-Kun are about to-) he was then interrupted by a delinquent from Valhalla who punched him across the face knocking him on the floor.

Valhalla Member:"Eyes over here, B*tch ass!!!!" he said arrongantly.

Then another delinquent went to kick Takemichi while he was down as Takemichi tried to defend himself.

Takemichi:(Oh, sh*t!!!! I'm dead meat!!!!) he thought in his head.

However Mitsuya intervene and kicked the delinquent in the stomach, knocking him far away from Takemichi.

Takemichi eyes widen as Mitsuya just looked down on him.

Mitsuya:"Get up, Takemicchi." he said as he extended his hand to him.

Takemichi:"M-Mitsuya-Kun......Y-You saved me." he said in happiness as tears started coming out his eyes.

Takemichi then grabbed Mitsuya's hand and got up, then suddenly Mitsuya grabbed Takemichi by the shirt and glare at him aangrily.

Mitsuya:"Oi!!! You dumbass!!!" he said to Takemichi.


Mitsuya:"What the hell did you come here for?!? Can't you see we are in the middle of a fight?!?! You're a member of the 2nd Division, aren't you?!?" he said angrily.

Then a member of Valhalla tried to punch Mitsuya, however Mitsuya reacted quicker as he manage to knocked the delinquent out cold.

Mitsuya:"So quit starring and crying!!!!! JUST FIGHT!!!!" he yelled at Takemichi.

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