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OBLIVION      . . .      𝑏𝘰𝘰𝑘 1
He soon learnt that in this world the only person he could really count on was the girl.



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Things hadn't been the same for the past few days. Each day was spent beside Cal's hospital bed, his hand in hers as he prayed for her to be okay. Each beep of the hospital machines made Rafe more and more nervous.

All he wanted was for her to wake up, for her to still remember him. He couldn't bring himself to fully look at her.

After he read her letter, he knew that she hadn't gone to meet JJ. But instead she was going to see Luke.

He found her on the floor of her living room with Luke passed out on the couch, he'd panicked. He thought that she was dead.

He thought that Luke had killed his own daughter.

Her face was almost unrecognisable with the bruises, cuts and blood. Her skin was pale and drained of colour. She looked lifeless. Much like she did now, only the swelling had gone down slightly.

Rafe called the police on Luke. No way was he allowing the man to get away with hurting Cal the way that he did. He hadn't called JJ yet, he couldn't bare to talk to the boy. Not after Cal sacrificed herself for him.

"I miss you." Rafe whispered, his lips pressing against her fingertips as he spoke. He couldn't help but allow the tears that were forming, fall. He couldn't hold back his emotions anymore. "I can't stay too long today, but I'll be back tonight, sweetheart. I promise."

"Mr Cameron." The nurse nodded as she walked into Cal's room.

Rafe was paying for a private room. He couldn't leave her in a public room with little to no staff. He wanted them to take care of her the best they could.

"How's she doing today? Will she wake up any time soon?" Rafe questioned eagerly.

"Vitals look good." Nurse Sullivan smiled at the boy.

"So, why isn't she awake?" Rafe clenched his jaw frustratedly.

The nurse took in a sharpe breath. Truthfully there was no explanation as to why Cal wasn't waking up.

"We don't know." She paused. "But keep talking to her, she might be able to hear us. It could help." She wanted to fill Rafe with confidence. Nurse Sullivan saw patients and their families or partners day in and day out, the best thing to do was comfort them and tell them what could help.

"I've got to go." Rafe mumbled as he looked at the clock. "I'll see you later, sweetheart." He leant down and placed a kiss on Cal's head. "Call me with any new information?"

"Of course, Mr Cameron." Nurse Sullivan nodded and watched as she boy walked out.

Nurse Sullivan waited until she was alone to start speaking to Cal. She liked speaking to all her patients, even the ones in comas as it made her feel as if they weren't alone.

"He has it bad for you." She chuckled as she spoke to Cal. "He's got the best doctors working on your case. Although now that I think about it, that sounds awfully big headed of me."

JJ's mouth fell agape once he saw his sister laid lifeless in the bed. Peterkin had found him and told him about what happened with his sister and father. He couldn't believe that he was so wrapped up in the royal merchant and John B's troubles that he didn't even know where his own sister was or that she was in trouble.

"Can I help you?" Nurse Sullivan questioned once she saw the blonde boy. She hadn't seen him before, so she was curious as to who he saw.

"Cal's my sister." JJ managed to croak. His voice breaking with every word. He could feel himself getting more and more choked up as he looked at her. The nurse nodded and left the two alone.

JJ sat on the end of Cal's bed. He couldn't believe his eyes. The next time that he saw his dad, he would kill him for what he did. He grabbed her hand, his thumb running over her bruised knuckles. She was cold to touch.

"I'm so sorry, Callista." He whispered, tears streaming down his face. "I should have been there to protect you, just like you protected me."

He ran his tongue over his bottom lip, sucking in a deep breath to continue with what he was saying.

"Luke been arrested. We're safe. Now all you've gotta do is wake up." He paused. "It's so scary being on the other side of this. I can't imagine how you felt when it was me in the coma."

JJ cleared his throat. He wondered if anyone had come to see her over the past few days or if she was just completely alone. The idea of her being alone killed him.

"I'll be here every day until you wake up, I promise. You're not alone." He whispered. "I'll get Pope and the others to come."

He shook his head. He just wanted her to squeezes his hand or twitch her fingers. He wanted her to wake up and tell him that she was okay.

"I can't do this alone, Cal." He whispered. "I need you with me. I need you to tell me when i'm being a dick and I need you to be there to cheer me up when I've had a rough day." He paused once again. "But more importantly. I need you to wake up so that I can be the one to protect you this time. Trust me, Callista. No one's ever gonna hurt you ever again."

Much to JJ's dismay, Cal didn't wake up, or move. Instead, she remained looking lifeless. The only noise now in the room was the beeps from the hospital machines.

And it was at that point that JJ realised, if he didn't have his sister, he didn't really have anyone. He was truly alone in this world if the girl was no longer in it.

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