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OBLIVION      . . .      𝑏𝘰𝘰𝑘 1
He soon learnt that in this world the only person he could really count on was the girl.



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Cal opened the front door, grimacing as the door let go of a loud squeak. Her heart was pounding and all she could think was that she wished she was with Rafe.

Ward had walked in on the pair talking, he seemed suspicious that Sarah wasn't with them, since Cal was apparently Sarah's friend. He had told her that Sarah wasn't home and that there was no need for the red head to be there.

She couldn't exactly argue with him, not without announcing that she and Rafe were seeing one another. Rafe didn't exactly seem happy with the idea of her leaving, especially since she was going home. But he couldn't say anything without his dad finding out.

"Callista." Luke slurred, staggering towards the door. "Where's your brother?"

"Is he not home?" Cal questioned anxiously, desperately hoping that JJ would be home with her.

Luke shook his head with a smirk, he drank the rest of his beer before throwing it down onto the ground, causing it to shatter. Cal just rolled her eyes and tried to walk passed him.

"Don't walk away from me, Callista." Luke shouted, but before he could grab the girl by her hair, she ran towards her bedroom and slammed the door shut.

She quickly locked the door, something that she and JJ installed incase there dad tried to hurt them. She pulled her bed in front of the door and pulled her phone out to call JJ.

Cal anxiously chewed on her nails, listening to the phone ringing. She was growing more and more anxious once she heard Luke pounding against the door.

The girl let go of a frustrated groan once JJ didn't answer. She ran her hand through her hair as tears filled her eyes. She knew that she was inevitably going to be beaten by Luke.

She let go of a shaky breath and slid down onto the floor, curling up into a ball and letting go of a small sob. She grabbed her box of letters and allowed a heart broken smile form on her face.

Her hands trialled over her writing, none of the letters were addressed to anyone. She started writing them to JJ at first, but then she feared that he wouldn't make it due to Luke's wrath either. She then started addressing them to her middle school best friend, but eventually they lost contact. So now, she stopped writing peoples names on them.

The girl jumped once her phone began to ring, she quickly answered it with a small sob, managing to whispered,


"No, sweetheart, it's just me." Rafe responded softly, he felt guilty that she was made to go home and he wanted to check in on her. "Are you okay?"

"Let me in, Callista!" Luke shouted, kicking the door with all his anger.

The girl whimpered and she heard Rafe sitting up from the other side of the phone. Cal let go of a shaky breath and hid the letters back in the box.

"Cal, I'm coming to get you, stay in your room until I'm there." Rafe grabbed his keys and didn't hesitate on running out of his house.

He knew that he shouldn't have let her go home. He knew that he should have stood up to his dad and told him that she was staying with him. Angrily, Rafe ran his hand through his hair.

"Stay there, okay?" He repeated, jumping into his car and starting up the engine. "Stay in your room, don't come out until I'm there."

"Don't come, I need to stay here for JJ. He promised he'd be home. I can't abandon him." Cal whispered, her voice cracking ever so slight.

"I don't care, he's not there now. So you shouldn't be. He's let you down, no way are you staying there for him, when he's not there for you." Rafe snapped.

Cal hummed in response. She kept flinching with every time that Luke banged against her door or shouted her name. She wasn't sure how much longer the the door would last.

"Rafe?" Cal whispered, moving away from the door as Luke managed to punch a hole into it. "He's gonna get in."

"No." Rafe shook his head, not even caring about the other people on the road, all he wanted to do was get to Cal. So he pushed down on the gas and went as fast as he could. "I'm almost here, baby, just two more minutes."

The red head had tears streaming down her face, she couldn't just do nothing. She grabbed her letters and her go bag that she always seemed to have before climbing out of the window. It was a struggle and she wasn't exactly prepared for the drop, but she didn't care about the pain, she knew it would've hurt more if Luke got ahold of her.

"I'm out of the house, where are you?" Cal whimpered, she flinched once she saw the headlights of the car, fearful that it would run her over.

Rafe slammed the breaks on, jumping out of the car and running over to the girl. He pulled her into his chest, finally feeling like he was able to relax now that she was in his arms.

Cal's body instantly relaxed into his chest, she gripped onto his shirt tightly, dampening it with her tears. She never wanted to leave his side again. She loved the way he protect her and always made her feel safe.

"Thank you for coming." Cal whispered, she pulled away and looked up to Rafe with bloodshot eyes and tear stained cheeks.

The blonde boy nodded, he leant down and pressed his lips against hers momentarily. He could taste the salty tears on her lips, but he didn't care. He just wanted her as close as possible.

Cal pulled away first, looking up at the boy through her lashes before whispering,

"Can we go home, please?"

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