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OBLIVION      . . .      𝑏𝘰𝘰𝑘 1
He soon learnt that in this world the only person he could really count on was the girl.



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Cal looked up at Rafe from her spot on the couch as he paced back and forth in front of her. His hand ran over his face frustratedly, he didn't know how to apologise properly. He didn't know what to say that would make it better for what happened at midsummers or for anything that he had done.

"Anything?" Cal raised her brows, slowly stand up. She brushed her sweaty palms against her jeans and paused for a moment. "Do you have anything to say for yourself?"

Silence filled the room. The couples eyes met and Rafe didn't jump at the opportunity to say anything, instead he remained silent. Cal let go of a scoff, shaking her head as she did so.

"See you around, Rafe." Cal placed her hand on the door handle, but just before she could open the door, Rafe spoke up.

"I love you."

Cal froze in her tracks. Her heart began racing and the world felt like it had come to a stop still. She let go of a shaky breath. She wanted to tell him that she loved him too.

She just couldn't.

Not right now.

"Callista?" Rafe's voice was shaky, almost as if he felt like he had said the wrong thing.

The red head span on her heel to look at the boy. He was watching her carefully, assessing her every move. Cal ran her tongue over her bottom lip before locking the door.

"Fuck it." She whispered to herself. She needed to be close to him. All she ever wanted was to feel loved by him, to know that he loved and cared about her the way she did him.

Cal connected her lips with Rafe's, his hands gripped her thighs and hoisted her up without hesitating. Her fingers combed through his hand, tugging at him, making him groan against her lips.

Rafe gently laid her down on the couch and grinded against her. He wanted her. Her body against his. Her lips connected with his own. Fuck that. He needed her. He needed her so desperately. He needed her, he needed to show her that she was his. That she was the only one for him.

He trailed down from her lips to her jaw, making her breath hitch. Rafe continued to travel down her neck, making sure to leave a trail of hickeys as he did so.

His fingers fiddled with the buttons on her blouse. He let go of a frustrated groan once he realised they were fake buttons. Cal let go of a small giggle and pulled the blouse over her head. He placed kisses down her torso, watching as she closed her eyes in bliss.

Cal arched her back, desperately wanting Rafe to do something. She used her index finger to lift his chin and make her look at him. She'd never seen the boy look so desperate for her.

A smirk played on Rafe's face as he looped his fingers around the belt loops and pulled her pants down. Cal gasped at the cold air hitting her legs.

His fingers danced up her thighs, teasing as he traced over her underwear. He looked up at her one last time, Cal desperately nodded, allowing him to pull them down.

Rafe pressed his lips into her inner thigh, causing her to whimper at the contact. She felt like she was going into sensory overdrive with his lips attached to her thigh and his fingers tracing patterns all over her body.

The blonde boy brought his finger up to tease the girl. His lips curled upwards once he felt how wet she was. He let go of a small tut before whispering,

"So fucking wet for me, sweetheart."

Cal was about to respond, but before she could, Rafe pushed his fingers deep inside her, making her cut herself off with a moan. Her hands flew into his hair, pulling him up to her.

Their lips connected and she whimpered every time Rafe pushed another finger inside her. She knew that she wouldn't last long if Rafe continued like that, but it didn't seem like he was going to slow down.

"Rafe." Cal whispered breathlessly, her eyes screwing shut and her back arching to grind herself down on Rafe's fingers. "Please."

Rafe ran his tongue over his bottom lip, his eyes darkening as he whispered,

"Cum for me." Those three words were all it took for Cal to release.

Cal let go of a breath she didn't even know she was holding before turning to bury her head into the crook of Rafe's neck. He grabbed a throw and quickly covered the girls body, trying to keep her warm. His fingers pushed a piece of hair behind her ear and he placed a gentle kiss on the top of her head.

"I'm sorry for what I did. I'm sorry that I let anyone even look at you, let alone lay a finger on you. And I'm sorry for not leaving JJ alone. I should have respected your wishes." Rafe paused, thankful that the girl was cuddled into him so that she couldn't see how red he had gotten as he apologised.

Cal hummed in response. Rafe gulped down, he knew that his apology wasn't enough. She deserved better than that. She deserved better than him.

"But I love you, Callista. And I don't want to be without you. Give me another chance to prove it to you that I can do this. That we can be good together." He pleaded. "Just one more chance."

"One more." Cal whispered with a nod.

instagram ~ vxidcameron & em.newman
snapchat ~ emilynewman1234
tik tok ~ vxidbucky & leeandhan

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