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OBLIVION      . . .      𝑏𝘰𝘰𝑘 1
She was his drug and without her he felt like he was going insane.



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Having Rafe back was like a breath of fresh air for Cal. The second that Shoupe told her that Ward's confession before he died meant that Rafe was now free, she jumped into his car and raced down to the station to pick him up. She didn't want to be apart for him for any longer than she had to be.

But today wasn't about her, today was about the Cameron's and their feelings. Today, they were watching a prerecorded video of Ward.

"A great man once said that if you're born poor, that's not your fault, but if you die poor, we'll that's on you."

Cal linked her hand with Rafe's, she knew that he needed her support right now, her other hand on Wheezie's shoulder. The Cameron siblings were all taking their fathers death equally as hard.

"I think, in the end, it was my fear of going back, of losing everything I have. That made me lose sight of everything I am." Ward paused. "Everything I wanted to be."

Rafe unlinked his hand from Cal's and instead pulled her back into his chest. He wanted a way to be closer to her, but nothing ever seemed like it was enough.

"I killed big John Routledge." Ward admitted, and that was the hardest pill for Cal to swallow. "I murdered Sheriff Peterkin."

Cal looked up to Rafe, who anxiously bit his lips. The girl tried to give him a reassuring, sympathetic smile. But she knew that it wouldn't make him feel any better.

"I shot Gavin Barnstead." Ward continued on the recording, making Rafe pour himself a glass of whisky.

Cal wanted to take the drink off of him, but she knew that he probably needed it right now. Rafe needed things to be a lot less in focus.

"I know there's nothing I can do to ease the pain that i've caused. Many will say I took the easy way out. But I leave this world with the terrible pain of knowing that I leave behind my family, shattered by grief, broken by my sins. I don't expect you to forgive me for leaving you this way. I just pray you understand that-I can't go on ruining your lives anymore. This has to end."

Rafe pressed his lips against Cal's temple, he never wanted to lose her. She was the only thing he was living for now.

"To all of you, I leave my estate, uh, to be divided equally, and I leave a love deeper than I could ever express. Take care of each other." With that the screen went black and both Rafe and Wheezie walked out.

Cal looked down at Sarah, who had just slammed the laptop shut. She gently placed her hand on the girls shoulder, giving it a light reassuring squeeze.

She held no grudges with Sarah. She understood her reasons for not visiting. She couldn't be angry with that. So right now, she just wanted to support her friend.

"I'm sorry, Callista. I can't stay." Sarah quickly shot up from her seat and rushed out the house.

Rafe noticed the way that Cal followed Sarah out. He quickly grabbed Cal's bicep and pulled her back. His eyes lingered on her for a moment, she looked exhausted.

He hated that he kept her up all night, crying on her stomach about the things he'll now never get to experience with his dad.

"Let me?" He questioned, Cal nodded in response, allowing Rafe to run after Sarah.

Cal walked back inside, seeing Rose crying as she clutched the laptop. It hurt the red head slightly, sure she wasn't Rose's biggest fan, but she knew what it was like to lose someone you love.

The girl poured both of them a whisky, sliding the glass over towards Rose, who merely looked up at Cal before downing the contents of the glass.

"Sweetheart?" Rafe's voice broke as he spoke up. "She's not coming back."

Cal nodded, she assumed that Sarah would need her space right now and not her brother. But still, she could see how that had affected Rafe.

"Let's go upstairs." Cal whispered softly, taking the boys hand and leading him out of Ward's old office.

Once inside Rafe's room, he sat on his bed, Cal stood between his legs, her fingers running through his hair soothingly.

"I love you, Cal." Rafe mumbled against the girls chest. "I never want to lose you. So I'm begging you, please don't ever leave me."

"I won't, I promise."

instagram ~ vxidcameron & em.newmann
snapchat ~ emilynewman1234
tik tok ~ vxidbucky & leeandhan

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