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OBLIVION . . . 𝑏𝘰𝘰𝑘 1
No matter what happens, I'll always
choose you



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Rafe's hand gripped Cal's waist, they were waiting in Singhs living room for him to turn up. The maids told them to help themselves to drinks, which Rafe instantly did.

He couldn't take his eyes off Cal's body. The tight black dress showed off her curves perfectly. He smirked, pressing his lips against hers momentarily.

"Excuse me?" Cal's eyes widened, she recognised the voice instantly as Kie's. "No, I knew you and Ward were behind this shit."

The red head pulled away from Rafe, turning to face Kie. She hadn't seen her in a month, and if she was alive that meant that JJ was too.

"What are you talking about? You trying to weasel in on my deal?" Rafe questioned, angrily stepping forward. Cal wrapped her hand around his bicep, pulling him back. "Is that what's going on?"

"I can't believe you're still with him, you're a traitor." Kie spat towards Cal, but the words didn't affect the red head anymore.

Cal wasn't bothered about what the pogues thought. As long as she knew that JJ was alive. She was happy with Rafe, that was all she needed.

"Don't speak to he-"

"I wondered if your little reunion would cause sparks, you know?" Singh questioned. The three all turned to face Singh with furrowed brows.

Rafe slowly pulled Cal behind him, the girls grip on his bicep tightening as she became more anxious.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Carlos Singh." Singh responded.

Cal nodded, now understanding that this was the man they came to meet with. She made her way to Rafe's side, his hand slipping around her waist, pulling her tighter into him.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mr Cameron, uh Mrs Cam-"

"Ms Maybank." Cal corrected softly, fiddling with the signet ring of Rafe's on her finger.

"Apologise." Singh smiled softly. "And Ms Carrera, I do apologise for the rough tactics in bringing you here. But please, come." He motioned to the room behind him. "Sit down, come now, I don't bite."

Cal linked her hand with Rafe's pulling him into the other room, much like how Singh requested. If they wanted this deal to work, then they would have to cooperate.

"Rough tactics. What about us?" Rafe cocked a brow.

"Yes, Mr Cameron, false pretences." Singh spoke up as he poured himself a drink. "But the ends justify the means, I'm afraid. Sit down."

Rafe pulled Cal onto his lap, wanting to keep her as close as fucking possible. He didn't know who this Singh guy was and he wasn't going to trust him as far as he could throw him.

Cal wasn't exactly paying attention to what Singh was saying. She was too busy focusing her energy on stoping her hands from shaking or her breathing becoming rigid.

She faintly picked up on Singh telling them a story about El Dorado, something that she vaguely remembered from history class. But they never really delved deep into it.

Rafe's hands ran up and down the girls thighs, in attempt to reassure her that nothing would ever happen to her. That no matter what, he would always protect her.

When Singh mentioned a diary, Kie fell quiet. Rafe noticed the way that she seemed shocked and tried to act confused, but Rafe could see right through it.

"Ah right, look this is ridiculous okay? We're out." Rafe tapped Cal's thighs, making her stand up. He linked their hands and pulled her towards the door with him.

Cal's grip on the boy tightened once she saw the guard with the gun. Her heart started to beat faster, she knew that they were in trouble.

Rafe slowly pulled the girl behind him, backing them back into the room with Singh and Kie.

"Do I look like a fool to you, Mr Cameron?" Singh questioned. "Do I look like a fool to you?" Rafe just shrugged in response. "You have the cross. She and she friends had the cross at one point. So one of you had the diary."

"We don't know anything about a diary, Mr Singh, I can assure you of that." Cal spoke up, her voice much softer than usual.

"Well, id you really don't know, I suggest you convince your friend to tell me." Singh looked directly at Cal. "Once I have the diary, you'll be free to leave." He motioned to the door.

Rather reluctantly, Singh made the three follow him up the stairs and to the room that they would be staying.

"Enjoy the ground during your stay. I must warn you though. I'm not a man of infinite patience. You have one day." Singh paused. "Go to the window for a little demonstration." He tapped Rafe's shoulder. "I think you'll enjoy it you know."

Within seconds, the door was closed and locked. Rafe attempted to open the door. Cal made her way to the window beside Kie. Rafe's hand rested on her waist as he came up from behind her.

"Who the hell is that guy?"

"I know him. It's Jimmy Portis." Kie responded. "He was trying to help me."

Cal watched as Singh raised his gun and in a matter of seconds fired it at Jimmy. Cal gasped, burying her head in Rafe's chest. His hand cupped the back of her head, attempting to bring Cal an ounce of safety.

"This diary. Hey, no bullshit. Don't bullshit me. Okay? Do you have it? Kie?"

Kie's eyes flickered down to Cal, who's whole body was shaking violently before whispering,


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