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OBLIVION      . . .      𝑏𝘰𝘰𝑘 1
She was his drug and without her he felt like he was going insane.



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Cal sat patiently as she waited for her dad to come and sit across from her and Rafe. Rafe's hand linked tightly with hers, he could practically feel the anxiety rolling off her.

When the door buzzed, Cal looked up and made direct eye contact with Luke. A smile spread across his face that made the girl instantly feel uncomfortable.

Rafe quickly sat up straight and puffed out his chest, attempting to appear more intimidating as Luke was sat opposite them.

"Callista." Luke hummed, his eyes flickering over his daughter. "I'm so glad you're okay."

The girl couldn't help but scoff in response. This man didn't care if she lived or died. He didn't care to be a dad. He didn't even care about her at all and that was something that he made abundantly clear.

"We're not staying long." Cal announced, she rolled her shoulders back in an attempt to relax. "I just wanted to show you that I'm alive. That I'm so much stronger than you ever thought."

"Callista, you have to know something." Luke reached forward, placing his hand out in front of the girl.

The red head just looked at his hand. The fatherly love that he was trying to offer her now was all just manipulation. All she wanted growing up was her fathers love and approval, now he was only offering it because he had no one else and no access to drugs.

"You were my favourite." He whispered, slowly moved his hand back. "You reminded me so much of your mother. God, I miss her."

Cal rolled her eyes, taking a quick glance at Rafe, who was just staring at Luke. She could see that Rafe's fists were clenched that his knuckles had turned white.

"JJ, he was a good son. But you, you cared. You loved me. You took care of me and JJ, but it should have been the other way around." Luke continued.

"Damn right it should have been the other way around." Cal's eyes brimmed with tears. "I had to mother my twin brother and my father. I had to buy you drugs and if I didn't, I would be beaten."

She couldn't help but laugh at how fucked up her life was. She didn't want Luke to know that her and JJ weren't on speaking terms currently. She wanted to show him a united front.

"You were a shit dad, Luke." She ran her hand over her face. "The things you made me do. The things you did to me and JJ-" Cal shook her head. "You deserve to rot for what you did."

The girl stood up, throwing her hands up in the air and motioning to the prison.

"Look at where you're at, dad." Her eyes narrowed on the man. "You're never getting out of here."

Rafe didn't even try to bite back his smirk. He was so incredibly proud of the girl. The way she looked whilst talking to her dad, he'd never been more proud.

"You're stuck here. And you're not gonna get any visitors again. I'm never coming to see you again and JJ, he'll never see you either." The girls eyes darkened.

The thrill she got when putting Luke in his place was unreal. She could see the anger building inside Luke and it gave her a kick. She knew that she could rial him up and that he wouldn't be able to touch her.

"Shut up." Luke's fists clenched and banged down on the steel table.

Rafe couldn't help but let go of a psychotic laugh. He turned to face Luke, he leant forward ever so slightly before saying,

"She beat you, dick head. She's stronger than you'll ever be. She's better than you'll ever be. And she's not trapped here like you are."

"Your boyfriends cute, Callista." Luke laughed. "Such a shame you didn't come alone, clearly you're not that strong."

Cal pursed her lips, she leant closer to her dad. A sickening smirk forming on her face as she looked at him in disgust.

"You're a worthless piece of shit, Luke. And everyone knows it." She laughed. "Everyone on the island knows what you did to your children."

"You won't survive next time. That's a promise." Luke seethed.

"There won't be a next time. And guess what, Luke." Cal paused, she looked down at Rafe. A smile forming on her face as his arms wrapped around her waist. "You didn't kill me. And I'm still happy. I have someone who loves me and I always will. Unlike you."

"Just you wait, Callista. He'll leave you. Just like your mother did." Luke slammed his hands down on the table again.

Rafe pulled the girl behind him, knowing that the mention of her mother would upset her. He gripped the man's shirt and pulled him up so now they were face to face.

"Trust me, Luke. I'm never leaving her. You rot in here knowing that she's happy and cared for. Which was something you could never do."

The anger that built from the way Luke told Cal that he wouldn't stick around was unbearable. He wanted to beat Luke until he was black and blue, but he didn't want Cal to see that.

"Let's go, sweetheart, no reason to stay in this shit hole longer than we have too." Rafe laughed, slinging his arm over Cal's shoulder and guiding her out of the room.

instagram ~ vxidcameron & em.newman
snapchat ~ emilynewman1234
tik tok ~ vxidbucky & leeandhan

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