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OBLIVION      . . .      𝑏𝘰𝘰𝑘 1
She was his drug and without her he felt like he was going insane.



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Cal sat between Rafe's thighs as he sat on the counter top at Barry's place. The second that the officers left, she used the spare phone, that Rafe gave her in case of emergencies and called him. He told her that he was safe and at Barry's, so that's exactly where she headed.

"We're so fucked." Cal whispered softly, her warm breath hitting the boys neck. "Your dad needs to do something."

Rafe let go of a sigh, he didn't know what to say to the girl. He didn't know how to comfort her or tell her that everything will be okay.

"You're not involved in this, Cal." Rafe muttered.

Cal shook her head, she loved him. She was in love with him. There was no way she wasn't involved. She would do anything for the boy, no matter the consequences.

The red head went to respond, but Rafe cut her off,

"Have you spoken JJ yet?"

"No." Cal shook her head, wondering why he was bringing up JJ when they should be focused on him.

"You should." Rafe nodded, his tongue running over his bottom lip. He could tell that this was the end for him. There was no escaping what he had done for his dad. All his actions had consequences.

Cal shook her head, she wasn't ready to speak to JJ yet, or the others for that matter. He hurt her. He left her alone and stranded in the hospital without a family. No one should do that to someone they care about.

Rafe gave Barry a look, silently telling him to give them a moment alone. Barry went to say something, but instead he just left with a huff and a slam of the door.

The blonde boy cupped the girls face, his thumb caressing her cheeks. He noticed the way that she nuzzled closer into the palm of his hand. Rafe couldn't help but feel guilty knowing that this was the end for them.

"I'm so sorry, sweetheart." He whispered, tears brimming his eyes. He knew that he would have to be apart from the only person that ever showed him love, again.

"If your dad doesn't own up, we did it together. We both murdered Peterkin. Or heck, I did it alone. John B and JJ would never send me down. They'd drop everything."

The more Cal thought about what she just said, the less she believed it. Sure, the only John B and JJ would drop everything for her. But now, she was starting to believe that less and less.

"No, Cal, you were in hospital at the time of Peterkin's murder. There's official records that state that. Plus, there's no way I'm letting you go down with me." Rafe shook his head, he would try to protect Cal until his last dying breath.

Cal went to object, she wanted to tell him that it was stupid and that they'd figure something out. She wanted to make everyone pay for ruining Rafe's life and their relationship. She was finally happy and now, now it was all being ripped away from her.

"This is the end for us." Rafe muttered. His jaw tightening as he spoke.

The red head pulled away from the boy, running her hand through her hair. She could feel her heart pounding with anger. Her blood boiled.

"No." She shouted at the boy. "No. Fuck that." Cal scoffed. "I'll make them all pay. There not going to get away with taking you away from me."

Cal slammed her hands against the wall, making a few of Barry's things fall over. Rafe quickly came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her back into his chest.

"We'll make them pay, together." Rafe whispered into the girls ear, making the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end.

His words seemed to bring her a little bit of relief. She rested her head against his shoulder, before letting go of a deep breath and saying,

"Ward. Rose. Shoupe. Plumb. Sarah." She paused as she listed everyone off. "John B and JJ." A silence filled the room once again before she continued, "They all deserve to pay for what they have done."

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tik tok ~ vxidbucky & leeandhan

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