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OBLIVION      . . .      𝑏𝘰𝘰𝑘 1
He soon learnt that in this world the only person he could really count on was the girl.



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Cal made her way towards the Cameron's house, she had previously received a message from Rafe asking for her to come over. And of course, the girl said yes.

Her eyes flickered over to Rafe, who was with Topper and Kelce. The girl ran her tongue over her bottom lip, wondering what she was going to use as to why she was here.

"I-I just can't get it out of my head. It's just on repeat, 'your move, broski'." Topper spoke, his eyes flickering over to Cal and wondering what she was doing here.

He knew that she was friends with Sarah now, but he was surprised that Sarah didn't cut contact with her after what JJ did to him.

"Ugh, is that really what he said?" Cal questioned as she walked in line with the three boys as if it was the most normal thing to do. "That's so lame. I can't believe I'm related to him. He could've at least said something threatening."

Rafe had to hold back a laugh at the girl and the looks that she was receiving from Kelce and Topper. He allowed his eyes to flicker up and down her, the shorts she wore clung perfectly to her hips and the low cut top showed her cleavage, which admittedly, Rafe struggled to draw his eyes away from.

"Bro, he had a semiautomatic pointed at your head." Kelce paused. "Safety off."

"They're freaking pogues man." Rafe scoffed. 

Cal grabbed the flask from Rafe's hands and drank the contents of what was inside, not even grimacing at the taste of alcohol on her lips so early in a morning.

She walked ahead of the trio slightly, not wanting to actually intervene in their conversation. She just wanted to see Rafe.

"You know you should get a piece." Rafe suggested, making the girl tuck a piece of hair behind her ear as if it would help her hear the conversation better.

"What do you mean?" Topper questioned curiously.

"You gotta fight fire with fire and defend the homestead." Rafe explained, allowing his eyes to flicker over Cal's body and the way her hips swayed as she walked.

"Listen guys, I'm gonna get him back, alright? I'm making it a little project of mine." Topper attempted to reassure the boys, but from how nervous he sounded, it didn't seem like he was going to get JJ back at all.

"Really, Top? Cause it sounds like your full of shit to me." Cal couldn't bite her tongue any longer. They all knew she was listening to the conversation, so there was no point in hiding it. "I don't think you'll do anything to JJ."

"What are you even doing here anyway?" Topper questioned, attempting to change the subject from him.

Cal allowed her eyes to flicker over to Rafe, she wondered how he would react if she told them the truth. How they'd react. Not that she ever would, she didn't want to ruin what she had with the boy.

"Sarah told me you were here, wanted to make sure you weren't too shook up about what happened to you." Cal paused, she took a step closer to Topper.

The red head brought her hands up and tugged on the boys collar, her hands running down his shirt to smoothen out any wrinkles. From the corner of her eyes she saw the way that Rafe stepped forward and clenched his jaw, probably ready to say something and pull her away, but he refrained from doing so.

"I came to apologise on JJ's behalf, he's an idiot. It won't happen again." Cal continued, a smile forming on her face.

She had the kind of smile that could make you forget your troubles. It seemed so sweet and reassuring. It was a kind of smile that could make the strongest man fall to his knees.

"Yo, that's Sarah." Kelce pointed out, making all of them turn and face Sarah, who was talking to a little girl.

Rafe wrapped his finger around a belt loop of the girls shorts and pulled her back so that she was closer to him. He grabbed the flask out of her hands and placed it into his back pocket, knowing his dad would kill him if he lost their great grandfather's flask.

"What is she doing?" Topper questioned as he watched the blonde girl climb onto the boat.

"Watch her fall and make a big drama out of it." Rafe mumbled as he looked at his sister with a blank expression.

"Don't be a dick, that's your sister." Cal scalded, making Rafe looking down at her. He peered over his sunglasses and playfully winked at the girl, his finger tips digging into her hips, making her squirm slightly at the pressure.

"Hey, there's 14,000 bolts in those wires." Rose shouted as she exited the house.

"Hey, Sarah, be careful." Topper shouted towards his girlfriend, worried for her safety.

"Oh you gotta be kidding me, Sarah, get down now." Rose shouted again.

Sarah looked towards Cal, sending her a playful smirk. Cal knew that she needed to trust Sarah with whatever was about to happen next. She had only known her a few days and could already read her like a book.

"Rose, calm down. I'm an athlete. I got this." Sarah bragged.

"You're gonna get electrocuted. Get down." Screamed Rose, frustrated with the fact that her step daughter wasn't listening.

"She just wants attention." Rafe mumbled as Sarah began to dance on one of the beams. "Little fried Sarah."

Cal scoffed at the boy, grabbing his sunglasses and placing them on her head to keep her hair out of her eyes. Rafe didn't even say anything, instead he just allowed it to happen.

"Rafe, your sisters crazy, man." Kelce chuckled as Sarah stepped foot onto the boat.

"I see her." Sarah grinned, making the little girl let go of a happy giggle.

Rafe leant down slightly, his warm breath hitting the back of Cal's neck as he watched his sister carefully. He still cared about her, even though he acted like he didn't, after all she was his sister.

Cal jumped once Sarah let go of a shrilling scream. Everyone apart from Rafe and Cal rushed towards the girl on the boat. The red head had frozen in her spot, worried about the girl.

Rafe placed his hands on her shoulders, silently telling her that he was still here with her. He felt the girl physically relax once Sarah sat up and began twirling the wire around.

"It's disconnected." Sarah giggled. "Absolute sucker. Topper, you should have seen your face."

"Okay. Yeah. Im sorry that I care. Alright, guilty." Topper placed his hands up in surrender as Rafe and Cal made their way over to him.

"Congrats, pussy, you're officially her bitch." Rafe clamped his hands down on Topper's shoulders.

"Not quite like you though am I, Rafe, you're a chauffeur for a one night stand, I'd say you're pretty whipped." Topper chuckled, his eyes flickering towards Rafe to see how he'd react.

Rafe didn't say anything, instead he showed Topper his middle finger and slowly walked away, pulling Cal with him.

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