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OBLIVION      . . .      𝑏𝘰𝘰𝑘 1
No matter what happens, I'll always
choose you



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Cal let go of a deep breath as she placed the letter addressed to JJ in her box. It was the one thing she made sure to bring with her to Guadeloupe.

She had just poured her heart out, telling him how much she missed him. That she hoped he was alive. And despite how much she loved him, she wasn't sure if she could ever forgive him for the things he did.

Rafe walked into the room, offering a light knock on the door before entering. Cal turned around and plastered a smile on her face. It had been two weeks and the sun was treating them nicely. Rafe had shaved his hair, which Cal wasn't expecting to like as much as she did. The tan compliment Rafe's eyes nicely.

"You okay, sweetheart?" Rafe walked over to the girl, his hands snaking around her waist.

Cal hummed back in response.

"You missing him?" Rafe understood that Cal missed JJ. After all, up until him, JJ was all she ever had and all she ever knew.

The red haired girl looked down guilty. She hated that Rafe could see right through her. She just nodded in response. Rafe span the girl around to face her.

"We'll find him." Rafe made the girl a promise to find JJ and the other pogues, he had men out there searching for them.

He didn't care if they were dead or alive, but Cal did. And he cared about Cal, so if she wanted peace of mind on whether the pogues were alive or not, then he would get her that.

"I can't help but have this pit in my chest that he's dead." She whispered. "I've always been able to feel him, like a sort of connection. And I don't feel that anymore."

The boy cupped her cheeks, pressing his lips lightly against her head. He felt guilty for pulling her away from the pogues.

"How's Ward?" Cal questioned softly, looking up at the boy through her lashes.

"There's no change." He admitted rather defeatedly.

Cal hummed in response, her hand resting on Rafe's bicep, giving it a reassuring squeeze. Rafe smiled down at the girl, reaching up to cup her cheeks and press his lips against her forehead.

The red head nuzzled into the warmth of his palm. She let go of a small shaky breath. She knew that Ward didn't except her, despite the fact that she chose Rafe over JJ. She was just scared of what was going to happen when he woke up.

"Do you think he'll accept me?" Cal asked nervously, her voice quivering with fear.

"He'll have no choice." Rafe reassured the girl, his thumb twanging her bottom lip. "I love you Cal, you're not going anywhere."

"He's your dad, Rafe." Cal paused. "I'd understand if you chose him over me one day."

Rafe hummed, he understood what she meant. He loved and idolised his dad. But no one made him feel quite as human as Cal did.

"Oh sweetheart." Rafe's eyes softened, his hand lowering to hold hers. He didn't understand why she didn't see how loved she really was.

He knew that it was trauma from Luke and JJ, but she deserved more. She deserved better.

"No matter what happens, I'll always choose you." He whispered, resting his head against hers. "It will always be you."

There was a small knock on the bedroom door, causing Rafe to roll his eyes. Wheezie walked in with a sheepish smile.

"Hey, little dove, you okay?" Cal questioned softly. She turned her body to face the girl.

Rafe and Wheezie had become closer in the past month. It was nice for Cal to see, although Rafe had the stress of taking over his dads previously role of 'man of the family', he still made time for Wheezie, which was nice to see.

"I was wondering if you wanted to walk down to the beach with me?" Wheezie picked at the ends of her fingers. Although she put on a brave face, she was finding the adjustment from Outer Banks hard. She'd lost all her familiarity, all her friends.

"Not now, Wheeze. I've not seen Cal all day." Rafe muttered, wrapping his arms around Cal's waist. His head rested on her shoulder as he looked towards Wheezie.

Wheezie's anxious smile dropped, causing Cal's heart to pang. She pursed her lips before saying,

"Come with us then Rafe, cause I want to go to the beach." Cal pulled away from the boy, giving him a pleading look as she stood beside Wheezie. The girl needed this.

"For an hour." Rafe held up a singular finger, causing Wheezie to jump up in joy.

"I'll go get changed." The girl quickly ran back to her bedroom.

Rafe let go of a low chuckle, shaking his head to Cal. There wasn't anything he wouldn't do for her. And she knew that.

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