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OBLIVION      . . .      𝑏𝘰𝘰𝑘 1
He soon learnt that in this world the only person he could really count on was the girl.



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Cal snuck into the house, desperately trying not to wake JJ, who was asleep in his room or her father who was peacefully sleeping on the couch. It was the most at peace that he looked when he was asleep.

The girl let go of a shaky breath as she grabbed a blanket and covered the man up, glancing towards the bottles of alcohol that surrounded him. She allowed a sad smile to form on her face, hoping that JJ came home after he was asleep and missed the potential beatings like she did.

Nervously, she walked towards JJ's room to check that he was okay. She gently twisted the door knob, noticing the way the door didn't seem to creak for the first time.

"JJ?" She whispered, squinting to see the faint outline of her brother, who was curled up asleep in bed.

"You okay?" He questioned groggily. He was a light sleeper and always had been.

Cal suffered with nightmares a lot when she was younger, before their mom, and he would rush in to her room to comfort her. Even now if she has a nightmare he rushes in, in hopes that he can quieten her sobs or shouts before she wakes their dad.

"Dad was drunk again, wasn't he?" Cal whispered, closing the door to stay as quiet as possible in hopes that she wouldn't wake Luke up. "Did he-"

"He was asleep when I got home." JJ shuffled over in the bed so that his sister could take a seat beside him. "Where were you?"

"Just with a friend." Cal lied, not actually telling her brother that she was sleeping with Rafe Cameron. "Get some sleep, I'll see you in the morning?"

JJ nodded, sitting up slightly to kiss his sister's cheek as a goodnight. There wasn't anything he wouldn't do for her. He soon learnt that in this world the only person he could really count on was the girl.

Cal headed to her room, instantly climbing into her bed and allowing the comfort of the duvet to consume her. She didn't bother to change out of the shirt she wore. Rafe had given it to her, since she complained about having to put her dress back on.

She smiled at the familiar scent of him, sage and cedar wood was something that had become comforting to the red head now.

Hours had past and all Cal could do was toss and turn. She ran her hand over her face, desperately craving sleep. She began to anxiously chew the skin surrounding her nails, debating on messaging Rafe.

She decided to swallow her pride and message him, it was worth a shot to see if he was awake and if he wasn't then she would just have to deal with that. But sure enough, her phone buzzed and it was Rafe calling.

"You can't sleep either, sweetheart?" Rafe's voice seemed hoarse, like it did when he had been asleep.

Cal softly smiled, knowing that he was pretending to have been awake all this time instead of actually sleeping peacefully. She hummed in response, listening to his soft breaths.

"I'll be there in 5, okay?" Rafe questioned gently. "I'll be around the corner from yours, meet me there."

"You don't have to do tha-"

"I can't sleep. Might as well go for a drive." Rafe cut the girl off. He actually slept instantly after the girl left, he was a pretty light sleeper, which was why he woke up to the chime of his phone. "Maybe we'll even have round two." He chuckled, trying to throw her off the fact that it was 3am and he was coming to get her because she couldn't sleep.

"Maybe." Cal whispered back, knowing for a fact that she second her head hit Rafe's chest she would be asleep.

"I'll be there soon, be ready." Rafe ended the call seconds after.

Cal grabbed a bag and stuffed a few clothes inside so that she had something to change into for the morning and she could just tell JJ that she went out before he even woke up.

She snuck back out of the house and went to wait around the corner for Rafe. She wasn't waiting long, like Rafe said, he was there within mere minutes. The girl assumed it was because there wasn't much-if any-traffic on the roads.

Rafe popped open the passenger door from his seat and watched as the red head climbed in, still in his shirt from earlier. He allowed a tight lipped smile to form on his face.

"Thank you." Cal whispered, moving closer to Rafe and resting her head on his shoulder.

The boy nodded in response, placing his hand on her thigh and driving around the block before heading back to his house.

Once he pulled up outside, the girl was already asleep and he couldn't bring himself to wake her when she looked so peaceful. He let go of a shaky breath before reaching across and pulling the girl into his lap, before opening his door and carrying her bridal style.

He shut his car door with his foot before walking towards the front doors of his house. He struggled slightly but managed to unlock them once again. He hoisted Cal up before looking at the stairs.

"I can walk." Cal whispered, her eyes fluttering open and closed. She felt exhausted.

"It's okay, I got you." Rafe reassured as he walked up the stairs and headed towards his bedroom.

He gently placed the girl down on his bed before doing to lock the door so that no one would come in. He pulled his duvet out from under her and quickly covered her up.

"You're staying here, right?" Cal questioned, placing her hand over his.

"Only if you want me too." Rafe looked at the girl, his eyes for the first time ever seeming innocent.

"I do." She nodded, her head nuzzling further into the pillow. Rafe's bed was like a cloud in comparison to hers, must've been nice to be a kook.

Rafe smiled and climbed into the bed, beside the girl. He hesitated for a moment before wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her back into his chest. He pressed his lips against the top of her head and nuzzled closer to her, closing his eyes and allowing sleep to take over his body.

instagram ~ vxidcameron & em.newman
snapchat ~ emilynewman1234
tik tok ~ vxidbucky & leeandhan

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