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OBLIVION      . . .      𝑏𝘰𝘰𝑘 1
He soon learnt that in this world the only person he could really count on was the girl.



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"Do you have any fucking idea what you've done?" Cal shouted as she shoved Rafe's back, making him stumble forwards.

Angered, Rafe turned around with his fists clenched. He stopped dead in his tracks once he saw the girls with tears streaming down her face. He unclenched his fists and extended his hand out to cup the girls cheek, but she slapped it away.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, Rafe?" Cal ran her hand over her face, trying to think of a way that she could help JJ out without Luke being involved.

"Me?" Rafe scoffed, pointing at himself almost in disbelief. "What's wrong with me?"

Cal ran her fingers through her hair, tugging slightly. She just needed help. She needed help so that Luke wouldn't find out. She couldn't leave JJ in there for long before they called him.

"You created this mess, you can clean it up." Cal shouted, her eyes looking deeply into Rafe's. "You have no idea what Luke will do to him."

The red head chuckled, noticing the way that Rafe's face didn't even falter at the idea of JJ getting hurt. She was almost positive that the only thing Rafe was concerned about was himself.

"Luke won't stop. He'll torment him daily. Tell him he's turning into a criminal. And with each dig, they'll be a black eye or a busted open lip." Cal shook her head as the boy tried to reach out for her again. "Then he'll start beating him whilst he asleep, kicking the living shit out of him."

Cal chuckled, she remembered one time that Luke came home drunk and started to beat up JJ, it was so bad that she had to take him to the hospital. Luke broke JJ's arm and fractured a rib that day. JJ was unconscious for two days.

"And Luke won't ever suffer any fucking consequences for it. But JJ will. I wi-" Cal stopped herself once she realised how much she had said.

Rafe realised halfway through that she didn't just know all this because it happened to JJ, but it happened to her too. Luke beat her senseless, now he knew why she was scared to go home. Now he knew why she preferred it when JJ was there with her. He knew that Luke hurt her, but he had no idea it was that bad.


"Oh don't sweetheart me, Rafe, I don't want your pity." Cal shook her head in disbelief. "I want you to drive us down to that fucking station and bail JJ out."

The blonde boy nodded without an hesitation. He loved Cal and if he had know how much it would've hurt her, he wouldn't have ever let Topper call the cops. Heck, he wouldn't have laid a finger on JJ. He just fucked up and made mistakes sometimes.

"I'm sorry." Rafe whispered as he opened the passenger door for the girl to climb into.

Cal just rolled her eyes and tried to shut the door, but Rafe was stronger and managed to hold it open. His hands rested on her thighs and span her to face him. He looked up at the girl, despite her not wanting to make eye contact, it was something she couldn't control. She always felt drawn to look at him.

"I fucked up. I'll bail JJ out, please just don't leave me." His thumbs caressed her thighs, he was desperately trying to keep the girl in his life. She was everything to him.

She didn't know what to say, she knew how she felt about Rafe. She loved the boy, not that she would admit that to him just yet. Cal didn't want to leave Rafe, but he kept hurting the people she loved, she couldn't have that.

"Just get in the car, Rafe. We don't have long until Luke will be called." Cal whispered, turning away from the boy.

Rafe clenched his jaw at the fact that she pulled away from him. Frustratedly, he ran his hand over his face and slammed his fist into the side of the car. He hated himself for causing her this amount of pain.

The car ride down to the station was silent, neither of them uttered a word and Rafe turned off the stereo in hopes it would make her talk, he was wrong about that one too.

Cal jumped out the car the second that Rafe pulled up to the station. She rushed towards the doors just as Luke stood at the desk with JJ behind him. They were too late.

"Fuck." Cal whispered, she felt like her heart was breaking. JJ was in for another beating and this was one that she could have prevented if she was just a little bit faster.

"Cal, we gotta go." Rafe came up from behind the girl, his hands resting on her biceps. Cal shook her head, she didn't want to leave JJ alone with their father. "Sweetheart, there's no point in you both getting hurt, let me take you home."

Cal stumbled back slightly, allowing Rafe's hands to be the only thing holding her up. He quickly grabbed her bridal style and pulled her into his chest. He felt the way her tears dampened his shirt and guilt swarmed him.

"I hate you for this." Cal whispered heart brokenly. It hurt her to say, but she did, JJ was her whole life. He kept her alive. He cared for her. He kept her safe. He loved her. And now she wasn't able to do the safe for him. She wasn't able to protect him from Luke.

"You and me both." Rafe whispered as he placed her in the car and shut the door again. He was going to find a way to make this right, he just wasn't sure how yet.

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