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OBLIVION      . . .      𝑏𝘰𝘰𝑘 1
He soon learnt that in this world the only person he could really count on was the girl.



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The couple had walked out together, Cal felt both Pope and Kie's eyes on her as she walked out with Rafe. Pope of course knew why they were walking out together, Kie on the other hand remained clueless.

But as soon as the Cameron's had walked out and Ward was distracted, Rafe pulled the girl back inside and towards the toilets. He couldn't keep his hands off of her for much longer. He desperately just wanted her body grinding against his.

Cal couldn't help but let go of a giggle as Rafe pushed her against the wall of the bathroom stall. His hand wrapped effortlessly around her neck, making her eyes roll into the back of her head and for her to instantly quieten down.

"You gotta keep fucking quiet, do you understand?" Rafe whispered, fiddling with the buckle on his belt.

The girl gulped down and nodded. Rafe gripped the girls thighs and hoisted her up, her legs wrapping around his torso as he lifted up her dress. The girl whined, making Rafe smirk and thrust up into her.

Cal had to bite down on her bottom lip to prevent herself from moaning too loudly. She rested her head in the crook of Rafe's neck, making sure to leave some hickeys as he fucked her.

"Hurry up in there." Someone shouted, banging against the door.

"Fuck off." Rafe shouted back, moaning as the girl tangled her fingers in his hair, whilst grinding against him. "If you keep doing that-I won't last long."

The girl smirked, liking that she had all the power for once. She looked into Rafe's eyes as she grinded against him again. His grip on her throat tightened, making her let go of a gasp.

"Fuck." Rafe groaned, twitching inside of her. His hand released from around her neck and his head rested on her chest momentarily.

Cal pressed her lips against the top of his head as he placed her down on the ground, before he fastened up his trousers once again. The girl tried to smoothen out her dress and sort out her hair as best as she could before looking over to Rafe.

"We should get going." Rafe muttered. "People will be wondering where we got too."

The red head nodded as Rafe unlocked the stall door and walked out with a cocky smirk, not caring about the fact that people were watching as he and Cal exited the same stall.

"I'm going to go and see Pope." Cal mumbled as she walked away from the boy, wondering why he acted so off to her after he fucked her.

Cal came up from behind the boy, covering his eyes with a playful smile on her face. Pope froze, he didn't react or even say anything, he just stood completely still, trying to figure out who it was that had covered his eyes.

"It's just me." Cal laughed as she removed her hands and went to stand beside the boy.

"Cal! Have you seen JJ, is he okay?" Pope asked worriedly.

He hadn't seen the blonde boy since he got arrested at his dad's shop. He was beginning to think that Luke was going to let him rot in the cell. It's not like it would surprise him if Luke did let him stay there either.

"He's seen better days." Cal nodded, not wanting to let Pope know that Luke beat the shit out of JJ for something that he didn't even do. "But he's also been worse. Dad's pretty pissed, but the second he pops some pills or snorts some coke, he'll forget again."

Pope looked to the ground guiltily, he felt awful that JJ took the blame for something that he did. He regretted it. Sinking Topper's boat. Letting JJ take the fall. He regretted it all.

"Don't stress your little head about it okay, Pope. JJ's a big boy, he's gonna be alright." Cal pattered the boys bicep before leaning her head on his shoulder.

Her eyes drifted towards Rafe, who took a sip of his drink as his eyes never left her. She wondered if he had been looking at her the whole time or if it was just coincidental that they both looked at one another.

"So, you and Rafe, how's that going?" Pope questioned, trying to change the conversation from his worries.

"Well, we just had a quickie in the bathroom, so I'd say it's going well." Cal chuckled as she noticed the way Pope's face scrunched up in disgust at the idea of her having sex with Rafe.

"Didn't need to know that, Cal." He paused, grimacing once again before repeating. "I really didn't need to know that."

Rafe watched as Cal began to laugh, he couldn't help but let go of a small chuckle himself, despite not knowing what she was laughing at with Pope. He would have got jealous if it was any other boy, but she had said multiple times that Pope and her were strictly friends.

Topper clamped his hand down on Rafe's shoulder, gaining the boys attention. His eyes flickered over to where Rafe was looking and he noticed that he was staring at Cal.

"What's going on with you two?" Topper questioned curiously, knowing that they had been spending a lot more time together since the party.

"I'm seeing her." Rafe muttered with a proud smirk.

The blonde boy almost choked on his drink, he knew that they had fucked but the fact that Rafe so openly admitted that they were seeing one another caught him off guard.

"You're seeing Callista Maybank?" Topper laughed. "The pogue?"

"Yeah, I am." Rafe span to look at the boy, gripping his suit in his hands and asking, "Do you have an issue with that?"

"No, no, no issues here." Topper's hands flew up in surrender, fearful of what Rafe would do to him if he said he did have an issue with it.

"Didn't think so." Rafe responded, pushing Topper back before turning his attention to Cal once again.

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