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OBLIVION      . . .      𝑏𝘰𝘰𝑘 1
He soon learnt that in this world the only person he could really count on was the girl.



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Cal clung onto Rafe as he pulled up beside John B and Sarah in the twinkie. He made sure that she wore his helmet, claiming that she needed protecting more than he did.

"Hey, pull that piece of shit over." Rafe shouted angrily. John B didn't listen, despite seeing Cal on the back, so Rafe pulled in front of the van.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Sarah snapped as she walked over to Rafe.

Cal pulled off her helmet and jumped off the bike. She needed to talk to John B about JJ. Rafe could handle his own sister.

"There she is, little miss perfect." Rafe chuckled, his eyes never left Cal as she walked up to the driver side of the van.

John B rolled down the window to look at the girl. He offered her a cheeky grin and he rested his head in his hand, but that grin soon faded once he saw how angry she looked.

"What the fuck, JB?" Cal raised her brows as she looked at the boy. "25k."

The boys colour drained from his face. She knew. He felt like he had let her down, after all he did promise to look after JJ. He tried to stop him, but JJ didn't listen.

"From a drug dealer." Cal continued as John B climbed out of the van, his hand gentle rested on Cal's waist as he ushered her away from Rafe and Sarah.

"It's hard to explain." John B uttered, trying to think of something he could say to the girl to make her believe that they weren't trying to pawn off gold.

JJ still hadn't told her about the royal merchant. None of them had. They had all stuck to the deal about keeping it a secret until they came into real money.

"Try me." Cal crossed her arms, she wasn't leaving without an explanation. "Where is he? Is he in the back?"

The girl pushed past John B and opened the back door, hoping that she would see JJ, but instead she was met with nothing. She furrowed her brows, trying to piece together where he could have gone.

"John B?" Cal's voice became shaky. "Where's my brother?"

John B placed a soothing hand on the girls shoulder. He could see that she was beginning to panic and he didn't want to her to worry. He wanted to fix everything before she even found out.

"I don't know." He admitted guilty. "He stormed off from us all, we haven't seen him since."

"Fuck." Cal whispered, running her hand over her face.

The only place she could think that JJ would go to, would be their house. And if she was right, Luke would have been home. She could feel her heart beginning to race. She glanced over to Rafe momentarily, he was shouting at Sarah and pointing over to her and John B.

"Come to try to kill me again, Top?" John B questioned Topper as he got off his bike.

Cal couldn't register what John B had just said. She was too busy thinking about how to get home before something happened. If JJ handed their dad the money, there was no way he would use it to pay off the restitution. He'd probably buy more drugs.

She placed her hand on her chest, trying to ease the aching pain in her heart. She wanted to call out to Rafe or John B, but they were both preoccupied.

"J-" Cal stuttered, she tried to take a deep breath, but everything had become too overwhelming. It was too much for her to deal with.

"Callista?" John B rushed to the girl, ignoring Topper's previous comments about how everything is always the kooks fault and that he was getting Sarah involved in a life filled with crime. His main priority was now the girl.

"I need to go home." Cal clung onto John B's shirt. "John B. Take me home."

John B nodded and helped the girl climb into the back of the van. There wasn't anything he wouldn't do for the girl. If she needed taking home, he'd drop everything.

"Listen." Topper grabbed John B's arm, making him turn around and face him. "I know I'm the one that cares about her, not you." He paused. "Heck I probably care more about Cal than you do too."

The dark haired boy clenched his jaw in anger. It was one thing to bring up his new girlfriend. But to bring up Cal was a whole new level. John B and Cal were practically raised together, they were like siblings. They had a bond stronger than most and for Topper to assume otherwise was insulting.

"Why don't you get on your fucking bike, Topper?" He tried to maintain calm and collected, since he knew that Cal was about to have an anxiety attack. He didn't want to panic her anymore.

"Or what?" Topper chuckled.

"Get on the bike." John B lowly whispered. With that Topper took a step back, causing John B to smirk in response. "See you later, sweetheart."

Rafe glanced towards Cal, he held the helmet out towards her, but she shook her head and pulled out her phone. Silently telling him that she would be in touch.

Although the boy was jealous at the fact that she was going with his sister and John B, he nodded understandingly and blew her a quick kiss before placing on his helmet and driving away.

"Let's get you home." John B uttered as he climbed back into the Twinkie.

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tik tok ~ vxidbucky & leeandhan

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