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OBLIVION . . . 𝑏𝘰𝘰𝑘 1
She was his drug and without her he felt like he was going insane.



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The rest of the ride back to the Cameron household was silent. Neither of them said anything after Cal stated that she wish she died.

Cal followed Rafe up to his bedroom with her head down. The guilt she felt for admitting her feelings was unbearable. She just wanted to break down sobbing, she was sure he would understand if he was in her shoes.

The boy didn't say anything to the girl, instead he walked into his en-suite and locked the door. Cal anxiously chewed on her bottom lip as she heard the water running.

She let out a heavy sigh and made her way to where the letters laid beside his bed. She picked up one that she wrote in middle school, realising that it was addressed to Lou.

Cal didn't know whether to love or hate the girl. She hated Lou for the things she said, for the way she made her feel. But she loved her for making her wake up. Without the panic of what Lou said, Cal could still be unconscious.

Rafe walked up to the girl, his joggers hanging lowly on his waist, his shirt slung over his shoulder. He leant over to the girl as she read the letter, the water dripping from his hair onto the letter gained the girls attention.

"Don't torture yourself, sweetheart." Rafe whispered, taking the letter from the girl and placing it back into the envelope.

Cal turned to face the boy, she rested her head on his bare chest. She let go of a defeated sigh. Rafe lifted the bottom of her shirt to gently trace patterns on her skin.

"Lou was my best friend." Cal whispered against his skin.

Rafe lowered his head to rest it on hers. He pulled her closer to him ever so slightly. His heart was racing at how close she was and he was sure that she could hear it.

"She was basically apart of my family. JJ had a huge crush on her. We were the first kook and pogue friendship." She chuckled. "She came round to my house every day, she made me feel safe, which is stupid really because I shouldn't have been relying on someone my age to keep me safe."

Cal remembered the days that Lou came around to her house. They would sit in her bedroom with JJ and no matter how angry or drunk Luke was, he'd never go near them in fear of Lou reporting it.

"But then the older we got, the more toxic our friendship became."

Rafe could feel the girls tears against his skin. It heart hurt for her. He brought his hand up to cup the back of her head, his fingers running through her hair.

"She made new friends. Kook friends." The girl paused. "She'd take me out with them, but she'd make me pay. And I didn't have that kind of money." She laughed. "I remember once JJ stole $50 from Luke's wallet and took a beating for it just so that I could have friends. I've never repaid him for that."

"You shouldn't have had to do that." Rafe whispered, pulling back so that he could look at the girl.

"I know." Cal sighed. "But I did because I wanted friends other than the people my brother made friends with for me." The girl realised what she said and quickly panicked. "Don't get me wrong, the pogues are my family. Despite how it may seem right now." She paused. "I just wanted people to like me."

Rafe cupped the girls face, his thumb caressing her cheek before running over her bottom lip. Her eyes were bloodshot and tears threatened to spill.

He couldn't understand how people wouldn't like Cal. She was perfect. And he wasn't saying that in a boyfriend type of way, but more in an observational way.

"Why isn't JJ bothered that I'm awake? Why isn't he calling my phone? Or blowing it up with texts? Why isn't Pope asking about me? Why didn't Kie come and visit? Why are my family not bothered whether I fucking live or die."

With each question, Cal began to get more frantic. She angrily tugged on her hair, she just wanted answers instead of feeling like she was freaking insane for thinking about them.

"Hey, hey, hey." Rafe cooed, pulling the girl back into his chest.

Her legs buckled beneath her, making the boy quickly scoop her up into his arms. He heard her quiet sobs as he carried her to the bed.

He laid down next to the girl, pulling her into his chest in hopes that he could bring her some comfort. He placed a gentle kiss on the top of her forehead and wiped away a few of the stray tears.

"I'm so sorry, sweetheart. They should be here." Rafe pulled the girl on top of him, his fingers tracing patterns over every inch of her skin.

Cal hated that she was so emotional when it came to the pogues. She wished she could just turn it off and not care about them. Which seems like what they have done with her. But she can't betray family that easily.

instagram ~ vxidcameron & em.newman
snapchat ~ emilynewman1234
tik tok ~ vxidbucky & leeandhan

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