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OBLIVION . . . 𝑏𝘰𝘰𝑘 1
He soon learnt that in this world the only person he could really count on was the girl.



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Cal had made her way towards the Cameron's once again. She had decided to listen to Pope and go see the boy, not only did he owe her an apology as well as Pope, but she wanted him to understand her.

Rafe didn't say anything once he saw the girl, instead he clenched his jaw and turned to face away from her. He couldn't look at her after knowing what he did to Pope. The anger that fuelled him when he thought about Pope hurting the girl.

"Hey." Cal's voice was quiet, something that he wasn't often used too. "What've you been doing today?"

The boy furrowed his brows, she didn't seem angry with him. In fact the gentle hand that she placed on his bicep suggested otherwise. He turned to face her with his eyes softened.

"Just went to play a few rounds of golf with Topper." Rafe shrugged, leaning down to give the girl a kiss but before he got a chance she stepped back and asked,

"So you didn't see Pope at all today?" Her brow was raised slightly.

A chuckle escaped Rafe's lips. He should've known that Pope would have gone running to tell the girl. Pope always made him seem like such a bad guy when in reality all he wanted to do was protect Cal.

"I did." Rafe nodded.

"You're unbelievable, you know that, right?" Cal snapped. "Pope's my friend, and the way you hurt him today isn't acceptable. You can't just go around hurting people like that, Rafe."

Shamefully, Rafe lowered his head. He knew that the girl was right. But he felt so angry at their argument that had happened earlier in the day and the fact that she was getting hurt- he couldn't keep his anger in.

He stepped closer to Cal, his hand reaching out for the girl, but she shook her head. She cared about Rafe but he needed to understand that his actions had consequences. He couldn't just hurt people and it all be okay.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled, knowing that she wouldn't come near him if he didn't apologise.

"Do you even mean that?" Cal asked gently, she looked up at the boy through her lashes. She knew it was wrong to think right then, but his lips looked so kissable.

The boy nodded, stepping forward again, this time his hands rested either side of Cal's biceps, trapping her between him and the wall. His eyes flickered down to her lips, he lowered his head slightly and brushed their noses together.

"I do, sweetheart." Rafe's warm breath mingled with hers, causing the cliche butterflies in her stomach.

He noticed the way that her breath hitched as his lips touched hers whilst he spoke. It caused a smirk to grow on his face.

"I'll make a deal with you." Cal linked her arms around his shoulders, her fingers threading through his hair, pulling him as close as possible.

Rafe hummed in response. He could tell that the girl was nervous from the way that she anxiously chewed on her bottom lip and the way that she struggled to maintain eye contact.

"Apologise to Pope when you next see him and I'll tell you who hurts me, but you have to promise me that you won't do anything about it. I'm a big girl, Rafe, I can look after myself."

Rafe clenched his jaw at the idea of knowing who it was but not being able to do anything about it. He weighed up his pro's and con's before nodding. He would rather know and protect her from them, than not know and not be able to protect her.

"Deal." He whispered.

"It's Luke." Cal responded swiftly.

The girl didn't know if it was the right thing to do, and she instantly regretted her decision, especially when Rafe pulled away from her and turned to face the opposite direction. He ran his hand over his face and took in a sharp breath.

She wanted to reach out for him, tell him that it was okay, that it wouldn't happen to her unless she deserved it. But she couldn't tell him that, because it wasn't true. She couldn't lie to him as easily as she could the others.

The last thing that she expected was for Rafe's arms to wrap around her waist and pull her into him. Cal instantly relaxed into the hug, a smile making its way onto her face as she clung to his shirt.

Rafe never wanted to let go of the red head. He wanted to protect her from any harm. He never wanted her to leave his arms let alone his house. He wanted her to stay here with him.

"Move in." Rafe requested, making Cal pull away with a giggle, thinking he was just joking. "I'm serious, Cal, move in."

"Rafe, baby, I can't do that." Cal brought her hand up to cup the boys cheek. The boy nuzzled into the warmth of her palm, making her smile.

"Please." His voice cracked and his eyes brimmed with tears.

Cal hadn't ever seen him like this. He seemed so emotional and upset. In a strange way, it was comforting to the girl to see him like that.

"I wish I could, but I can't. JJ needs me at home. I can't just abandon him."

"He can stay with John B or Pope or Kie. I don't want you to go back there." Pleaded Rafe. He was desperate for the girl to never go home again.

A smile formed on her face at how much he was showing he cared. It truly meant something to the girl that he was being this vulnerable.

"I'll stay tonight, but I will have to go home eventually, Rafe." Reluctantly, the boy nodded, he pressed his lips against the girls temple, holding her as tight as possible and never wanting to let her go.

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snapchat ~ emilynewman1234
tik tok ~ vxidbucky & leeandhan

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