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OBLIVION . . . 𝑏𝘰𝘰𝑘 1
She was his drug and without her he felt like he was going insane.



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Cal ran straight to Rafe when she saw him on the dock, his arms wrapped tightly around her waist, lifting her up of the ground. She hadn't seen him since last night and despite her horrific nightmares of Renfield dead in the truck, she just wanted to see him.

She had a faint memory of him carrying her sleeping body to their bedroom on the boat. But she hadn't had a chance to see him or have him hold her.

"I heard rumours, rumours that your dads on the boat?" Cal whispered, looking up to the boy, who had a huge smile on his face.

"He's alive, Callista, he's alive." Rafe nodded. "Let me take him to you." He grabbed the girls hand and lead her down the hallway. The boy then paused and turned to face Cal once again. "I don't know how much you remember from the car ride, I mean Rose said you were pretty out of it and didn't wake up once."

Cal nodded, once Rafe left, she took some sleeping tablets, she just wanted to be able to peacefully sleep, without having dreams about either Renfield or her father beating her.

"Sarah's here." The girls brows furrowed, Sarah wouldn't willingly leave John B. Rafe didn't give the girl a second to ask how or why before opening the door, revealing Ward and Sarah sat opposite one another.

"Sweetie, what I need you to understand more than anything, is that I never imagined that you would be there." Ward spoke softly as Rafe leant against the cupboards and pulled Cal between his legs.

His hands traced patterns on her exposed torso, his head resting on her shoulder. Cal couldn't imagine how the Cameron's must be feeling right now, after finding out that Ward was still alive. She didn't even know how to feel and he wasn't her father.

"I wanted to call you, immediately, to tell you that I was okay, to explain it all. It broke my heart that I couldn't." Ward tried to reach out for Sarah, but she pulled back. "But I had to make sure Rafe got away."

"Thank you, dad." Rafe's voice was quiet but sincere. "At least one of us is grateful."

"That's psychopathic, both of us." Sarah paused, her eyes singling in on Cal. "How are you so calm? They took you away from JJ."

Cal gulped, she hasn't exactly thought of how it would've looked to Sarah. The fact that she was unconscious in the car.

"JJ-" Cal scoffed. "He choose a treasure hunt over his flesh and blood. I at least chose the person I love over the person who betrayed me."

"You're just as bad as them-"

"Don't talk to her!" Rafe snapped, Cal turned to face him, her hands on his chest. Sarah's words didn't affect her, she knew that she did the right thing.

"I promised Rafe that he wouldn't go to prison for helping me. I had to make good on that promise." Ward continued, ignoring the teenage drama.

Cal rested her head on Rafe's chest as he and Sarah shouted at one another. She didn't really listen to anything that they were saying.

Once Ward snapped and told them to stop, Rafe sat down, pulling Cal onto his lap. Her hands instantly found their way to his hair, pressing a light kiss against the corner of his lips.

"Rose, Wheezie, come on in!" Ward shouted, making the pair walk in.

Wheezie instantly ran to sit beside Sarah, excited to tell her all about their new private island. Sarah didn't respond. So, Ward covered for her, telling Wheezie that she'll feel better soon.

"JJ would be so disappointed in you." Sarah spoke up, making everyone turn to face Cal.

Cal stiffened at the mention of JJ.

"He wouldn't care. He probably hasn't even notice that Im no longer in OBX." Cal shook her head, turning to face Sarah. "The pogues may care about you, Sarah, but they don't me."

"JJ loves you." Sarah attempted to convince the red head. "He spoke so highly of you, told us all how much he missed you and wanted you to be okay-"

"Then why didn't he visit?" Cal questioned raising her brows. "Then why didn't he know I was awake." She paused.

Sarah didn't have an answer. She couldn't try to tell the girl that it was cause they were searching for Gold, cause that felt wrong. She did deserve better than that.

"He doesn't care about me, Sarah." Cal then turned to face Rafe. "I'm going back to bed, I'll see you soon." She pressed her lips against his, before standing up and leaving.

instagram ~ vxidcameron & em.newmann
snapchat ~ emilynewman1234
tik tok ~ thesaintsseries & leeandhan

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