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OBLIVION . . . 𝑏𝘰𝘰𝑘 1
She was his drug and without her he felt like he was going insane.



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Rafe had dropped Cal off at the hospital with a bouquet of flowers, much to her request. He had offered to go in with him, but she told him that it was something she needed to do alone. So, after he dropped her at the hospital, Rafe decided to pay Barry a little visit.

Cal roamed through the halls of the hospital, it felt eerie to be back there, she didn't know why but it created an uneasy feeling in her stomach.

The girl wanted to find Nurse Sullivan and give her the flowers. When visiting hours were over, the older woman would often come and sit with the girl and just talk to her. It was that which kept her sane whilst been unconscious.

"Callista?" Nurse Sullivan sounded genuinely happy once she saw the girl. Cal span on her heel to face the woman.

Without hesitation, Nurse Sullivan pulled the girl into a bone crushing hug. Cal's eyes widened slightly, not remembering what it was like to be hugged so tightly by a mother figure. She closed her eyes and thought back to her mother, wondering what she would be like now.

"It's so good to see you again." Nurse Sullivan smiled, pulling away from the girl and allowing her eyes to scan over her. "You look beautiful."

"Thank you." Cal blushed. "I bought you some flowers as a thank you. I didn't know which ones you liked, but I remember you saying that pink was your favourite colour so I got the pink on-"

"They're beautiful." The woman grinned, taking the flowers from the red head. "Let's get them into some water."

Cal followed after Nurse Sullivan as she went towards the reception, where an empty case sat. The woman looked back at Cal before saying,

"We just threw some old flowers away, your timings perfect."

The girls eyes flickered over to the room she stayed in. Part of her longed for that again, the peace that she felt. She didn't feel scared or anxious. She felt content within knowing that people loved her and came to see her.

The only thing that hurt her was the fact that she was hurting other people.

"I saw a fair few people visit you whilst you were here, you're a lucky girl, Callista."

Cal didn't believe Nurse Sullivan. She wouldn't describe herself as lucky. She wouldn't say that she was lucky that her father beat her until she was almost dead, or that her boyfriend found her and had to suffer seeing her like that every day. She wouldn't call herself lucky that her brother and best friends were all partying and not coming to see her.


She wouldn't describe herself as lucky at all.

But, instead of saying that, the girl sucked in a deep breath and muttered,

"I know." A smile plastered on her face. "Can I look through the visiting book?" Nurse Sullivan didn't say anything, instead just slide the visiting book over to her.

Cal opened the book and flicked through until she found the date that she was admitted. Rafe was signed in until visiting hours ended, and it was the same for the next two days.

Then she saw JJ's name, that was the day that he found out about her and Rafe. She should have known from that day that things between them wouldn't ever be the same again.

A small chuckle escaped Cal's lips once she saw John B's familiar hand writing. He used the alias of 'Elijah Smith'. When they were younger, she would force both JJ, John B and Pope into playing pretend with her.

They'd pretend to be the richest family on the island. She went by the name of 'Aurora Smith' married to Pope obviously, who was name 'Abraham Smith'. They had two sons, who were JJ or 'Emmanuel Smith' and John B.

Times were simpler back then. But the more she thought about it, the more she realised she wouldn't change what she had now for anything.

Her eyes continued to skim over the different names. She saw the Heyward's a few times coming to visit her. She felt guilty that she hadn't told them that she was awake.

She then saw Ward's name. She hadn't heard him speak, so he assumed he had just come to see what her condition was like and what his money was paying for.

As time passed, JJ's name became less and less. And that hurt her. But one thing that hurt her more was that Kie hadn't come to visit her at all.

Once upon a time, Cal would have said that Kie was her sister. And when Kie joined the pogues, Cal was overjoyed to have a girl to share her secrets and crushes with. After Kie's kook year, they hadn't been the same but still remained close and cared for one another.

Cal closed the book and handed it back to Nurse Sullivan, who offered her a sympathetic smile.

"Your brother stopped coming." Nurse Sullivan muttered in disappointment. She knew better than to give up on family. "That's not right."

"Did he ever call back?" Cal asked optimistically.

"Julie?" A young raven haired woman turned to face Nurse Sullivan. "Any calls from Mr Maybank?" Julia just shook her head in response. "I'm sorry, darling."

"That's alright." Cal pursed her lips and blinked back the tears. "I'll see you soon, Nurse Sullivan."

"I sure hope so."

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