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OBLIVION . . . 𝑏𝘰𝘰𝑘 1
He soon learnt that in this world the only person he could really count on was the girl.



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Cal woke up in the arms of Rafe once again, not that she was complaining. His strong arms pulled her closer to him, not wanting her to get up and leave just yet.

The girl rolled over to face him, her eyes flickering over his face. He looked so peaceful when he was sleeping, his lips parted slightly which made Cal smile.

"Why are you staring at me?" Rafe questioned, opening one eye to look at the girl.

Cal's eyes widened at the fact that she'd been caught. She quickly tried to jump away from him, but before she got a chance, Rafe pulled her back and pinned her down on the bed.

"I'll ask you again, sweetheart, why are you staring at me?" He had pinned her hands above her head, making Cal look up at him submissively.


"Rafe, are you still in there?" Ward questioned as he knocked on Rafe's door. He tried to open it but quickly realised it was locked. "Why is this door locked?"

"What the fuck do I do?" Cal panicked as Rafe jumped up, he grabbed a shirt and threw it towards the girl so that she could cover herself up so that she wasn't in just her underwear.

"Bathroom. Now." He instructed, making Cal rush towards the bathroom.

Her heart was racing as she rested her ear against the door, trying to listen to what conversation that Rafe and Ward were having. She couldn't exactly hear much, just something about him needing to help out once he was dressed.

"Hello?" Sarah questioned once she saw the red headed girl in the bathroom.

Cal's eyes widened once she heard Sarah's familiar voice. They were fucked. Her and Rafe's 'secret' hook ups were no longer a secret.

"Callista? Is that you?" Sarah questioned again, since the girl didn't turn and face her or even say anything in response.

The girl knew that there was no way to avoid this situation now, she she reluctantly turned and faced Sarah with a smile. She glanced down at the shirt she was wearing and knew that they had been caught.

"Hey." Cal smiled, her voice cracking anxiously.

"What are you doing here?" Sarah was more than confused as to what she was doing here. "Why are you in Rafe's shirt?"

Cal went to say something but Rafe swung open the bathroom door and his eyes landed on Sarah. He let go of a groan, knowing that he would have to explain it to her so she would keep her mouth shut about them both.

"Cal, go into my room." Rafe instructed, stepping out of the door way so that she could walk pass him. She went to say something about how she could stay with him and they could explain it to Sarah together, but before she got the chance, Rafe sternly said, "Now."

The red head nodded and walked into Rafe's bedroom. She gathered up her clothes and changed into them as Rafe was talking to Sarah inside the bathroom. The girl faintly heard hushed whispers from them both, making her anxious about what he was saying.

She took a seat on the edge of his bed and fiddled with the rings on her fingers, wondering what was going to happen when he came back to his room.

Rafe walked into his room and saw the girl sat on the edge of his bed. He ran his hand over his face frustratedly. He had made Sarah promise to keep her mouth shut.

He had told her that he'd never felt this way about anyone before and certainly didn't want that ruined by rumours, so Sarah promised to stay quiet, just because she thought her brother deserved to be happy.

"So, I should get going." Cal spoke up, since Rafe still hadn't said anything.

"What? Why?" Rafe was confused as to why she thought that she would have to leave.

"Well, this is over now right?" Cal nervously chuckled, tears brimming her eyes just at the thought. "You probably told Sarah that I was just a one night stand. That you was drunk or high and would never do anything with a pogue if you weren't."

The words hurt Rafe to hear. He hated that she thought that. He didn't like pogues, pretty much everyone on the island knew that, but he did have a soft spot for one in particular and that was Cal.

"Actually, the opposite." Rafe knelt down in front of the girl. His hands resting upon her thighs as he looked up at her. "I told Sarah that we've been doing this for a while, that I want to continue doing it, but we need to stay a secret."

Cal looked down towards Rafe as he spoke, everything seemed so effortless. His fingers traced patterns on her thighs, soothing the girl as she blinked back the tears.

"I asked for her help. So, from now on instead of sneaking you in or out of here, Sarah's gonna be your new best friend."

The blue eyed girl chuckled at the idea. She had nothing in common with the kook princess. Or at least she didn't think she did. Cal allowed herself to shuffle closer to Rafe, her fingers combing through his hair.

"No more hiding, sweetheart." He whispered gently, leaning up ever so slightly to connect their lips momentarily. "You can come round whenever and nobody will have any questions. It's the perfect cover story."

"So, you're not ending this?" Cal's voice shook as she spoke, she felt so nervous about asking him incase he said that he wanted too.

"No." He let go of a small chuckle. "I'm definitely not ending this."

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snapchat ~ emilynewman1234
tik tok ~ vxidbucky & leeandhan

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