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OBLIVION      . . .      𝑏𝘰𝘰𝑘 1
He soon learnt that in this world the only person he could really count on was the girl.



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Rafe had gone to stay at the Glisson's until his dad allowed his back. He stayed at Cal's for a few days until he felt as if he over stayed his welcome. She tried to reassure him that he couldn't ever overstay his welcome but he was adamant that he needed to find somewhere else.

Hiding Rafe was progressively getting harder, especially since her father was home constantly and JJ barely went out. The only time he did was to go and see the pogues.

But now the house felt empty, despite her dad and JJ still being home. She felt alone, her bedroom was empty and the sheets were made. The corner of her room no longer held a duffel bag with Rafe's clothes and his familiar scent was slowly disappearing.

"Callista!" Luke shouted as he swung the girls bedroom door open.

Cal shot up from her bed and slowly back away from her dad, who seemed to be both high and drunk. Her eyes flickered down to his clenched fists and she slowly coward back.

JJ quickly rushed into the girls bedroom once he heard his fathers shouts. He wanted to protect his sister from his fathers wrath. He would do anything to save her from that, even if it meant him taking a beating instead. He slipped passed his father and stood beside Cal.

"I need more drugs." Luke held up and empty bag that once held cocaine. "Barry will sort you out."

The red head shook her head as as looked up to JJ. He had slowly made his way to stand in front of her. Her hand gripped his bicep to pull him back so that he didn't get hurt, but he was much stronger than her.

"I'm not doing it." Cal spoke strongly. "And neither is JJ."

Luke scoffed, not believing that both of his children were saying no to doing something after he asked. He stumbled forward slightly, his anger taking over him. He gripped JJ's biceps tightly and shoved him out of the way before wrapping his hand around Cal's neck and pushing her against the wall.

"You don't say no to me." Luke seethed, his grip tightening so much that Cal was sure that it was going to bruise.

JJ quickly shot up and tried to pull his dad off of Cal, but Luke used his other hand to punch JJ, which made the blonde boy stumble back slightly. Cal began to gasp for air, she tried to push her dad back with all her strength, but it was no use.

"You won't fuck up like last time." Luke shouted, JJ didn't give him a chance to say another word before he grabbed the light that stood on her beside table and swung it over Luke's head, knocking him unconscious.

Cal let go of a gasp once Luke fell to the floor with a thud. Her hand flung up to her neck and tears streamed down her face. JJ rushed over to the girl, he pulled her into his chest and cupped the back of her head as she sobbed.

He couldn't imagine his life without her. Cal was his whole world. Now that his mother wasn't around-she was all he had. Losing her would kill him.

"We're getting out of here. Pack a bag." JJ instructed. He took a seat on the girls bed, he didn't want Luke to wake up and him not be there. "We can stay with John B."

The red head nodded as she began to pack a duffel bag. She threw clothes into the bag, she kept having to step over Luke, which gave her a great sense of anxiety. Her eyes flickered to the letters that say on her bedside table and she quickly placed them in the bag before.

The twins made eye contact and nodded at one another. JJ lead the way out, he stopped in his room for a moment before picking up a pre-packed duffel bag. He knew better than to not have one at the ready at all times.

John B was already outside once Cal left the house. She assumed that JJ text him whilst she was packing a bag and he came over as fast as he could.

Cal climbed into the passenger seat beside John B whilst JJ sat in the back. John B's eyes flickered down to the girls neck, which had already began bruising before offering her a soft smile.

She brought her legs up to her chest and rested her head on her knees. She felt completely and utterly useless. She couldn't defend herself or JJ. Luke was going to have a hold over them forever and that was something that Cal couldn't deal with.

John B noticed that the girl was in deep though, he leant across and gently tapped her ankle, making a soft smile form on her face. She was thankful that he was there. John B was her family.

JJ watched the interaction carefully, he missed his sister hanging around with him and the pogues. It didn't happen as much now, but when it did it was special. He appreciated them all, especially the way that they were towards Cal.

Once they pulled up to John B's house, JJ took in both duffel bags but Cal remained sat in the van. She glanced over to John B with a broken smile.

"You'll take good care of him right?" Cal questioned, her voice cracking as she spoke. "Not let him get into trouble."

John B nodded, part of him felt as if she knew about the gold but decided to keep out of it. But the other part of him felt as if she knew how JJ was and just wanted him to be protected.

"He needs protecting. I know he puts on this big front. He pretends to be okay but really he's broken. He's suffered Luke's abuse for years and seen me go though it. The things that does to a person-" Cal began to choke up. "It destroys them. So please, JB, look after him."

"I will, I promise."

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tik tok ~ vxidbucky & leeandhan

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