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OBLIVION      . . .      𝑏𝘰𝘰𝑘 1
He soon learnt that in this world the only person he could really count on was the girl.



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Cal walked into the Cameron house hold and straight to the room that John B was currently occupying. He had asked her to come and visit him, he claimed he missed her but she was sure that he just needed something.

"So, you missed me, did you?" Cal raised her brows as she leant against the door frame with a cocky smile.

John B didn't say anything, instead he opened his arms for a hug, although he didn't make an effort to get off of the bed. The girl grinned, she ran and jumped into the boys arms, groaning as her body hit the soft mattress.

"It's good right?" John B chuckled as he pulled her closer to him.

"Oh, JB, I think you forget that I was sleeping in a Cameron's bed way before you." Cal had to bite back a playful smirk as she looked up to John B.

The boy let go of a laugh, not exactly expecting that response from the red head. He slowly sat up, watching as the girl continued to lay down before turning to her.

"What happened to your hand?" John B questioned as he saw her hand wrapped up in a bandage. He furrowed his brows, worried at the fact that the girl hurt herself and he didn't know.

"Oh, I cut myself on some glass." Cal lied, not actually wanting to tell John B that she and Rafe were in dept to a drug dealer.

"Who wrapped it?" John B questioned curiously.

Cal chuckled as she looked at the bandage. She couldn't have done a better job even if she did it herself. She wondered how Rafe knew how to wrap a bandage so perfectly.

"Rafe." She whispered gently.

"So, how did that start?" He plucked up the courage to ask.

Cal smiled at the memories. She would love to go back to the start. The very beginning of her and Rafe. She would love to relive it all.

"As cliche as it sounds," She chuckled. "we were drunk and at a party."

John B didn't say anything, he was just silent and ready to listen to the girl talk. He always found it comforting whenever the girl told him stories. When they were younger and would have sleepovers, if he had a nightmare she would tell him a story to get him back to sleep.

"We spent the whole night together, he was the only person there that I knew and I was the only person there that he knew, so naturally we spent the night together."

Cal thought back to the party, they spent most of the night in the kitchen by the drinks. They spoke for hours and hours. There were no kooks or pogues. It was perfect.

"We were in the kitchen just talking and getting drunk." The girl paused, having to bite back a smile as she spoke to John B. "He kept getting closer, finding ways to touch me. His hand gripped my waist and pulled me closer."

Butterflies formed in the girls stomach as remembered the night vividly. His hands on the exposed skin of her waist. His thumb running across her torso. Him pulling her into his chest. His breath mingling with hers.

"Every time he spoke, he leant closer. Until I could practically feel his lips against mine." Instinctively, Cal reached up to press her fingers against her lips as if his were still pressed against them. "And then he kissed me."

Cal hesitated for a moment, watching as John B scrunched his face up in disgust. She was like his little sister, he didn't exactly want to hear about her making out with Rafe, but the smile on her face was worth the uncomfortableness he got.

"I don't remember what happened after that. But the next morning I woke up in his bed with his arms wrapped around me. I tried to sneak out before he even woke up, I knew he wouldn't want anything to do with me, after all I'm a pogue."

John B hated that she felt that way about herself. Just because she was a pogue, didn't mean that she didn't deserve someone good for her. Cal deserved the best of what life had to offer her.

"But I couldn't have been more wrong." She chuckled, as a blush rose to her cheeks. "He wouldn't let me leave until I spoke to him about the previous night." She took in a deep breath. "So we talked, he admitted that he wanted to see me again, said he was at his happiest when he was with me."

Cal looked up to the doorframe to see Rafe smiling down at the girl. It warmed her heart to see him smiling so genuinely. His eyes never left hers, even when John B looked at him.

"And I wasn't lying." He motioned over to come over to him and the girl didn't hesitate on running into the boys arms.

His strong arms wrapped around the girls waist and lifted her off the floor. He took a deep breath, instantly engulfed by her familiar scent. It had been a day since he last saw her and he missed her so much.

"I need your help, are you free?" Rafe placed the girl down, his eyes landing on hers as he pushed some of her hair behind her ear.

Cal turned back to look at John B, knowing he asked her to come over to spend time with him. She didn't want to say yes and leave John B, but she also wanted to see Rafe.

"Go on, we'll catch up another time. I've gotta meet JJ and the others anyway." John B groaned as he climbed off the bed.

"Your the best, I love you, JB!" Cal shouted as Rafe dragged her away with a smile.

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tik tok ~ vxidbucky & leeandhan

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