Pregnant again?

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Kayla's POV:

I wake up the next morning not feeling like myself. To me it felt like something was wrong or was going to happen. I'm in the kitchen cleaning while Ross is in the other room playing with Amelia. I sat down for a few minutes just trying to figure out what's wrong.

Ross: Babe? What's going on with you?

Kayla: What do you mean I'm fine.

Ross: No, no your not.

Kayla: I don't know something just doesn't feel right.

Ross: Like what?

Kayla: That's the issue I can't figure it out.

He gives me a kiss on the head.

Ross: I'm gonna go get ready you just relax okay.

I smile at him so he knows that I agree and he walked upstairs. I decided to go sit with Amelia on the floor as Austin and Ally played on the TV. All of a sudden I feel very light headed and I looked over at Amelia who then from my view looked very blurry and then next thing I know everything turned black.

Ross's POV:

I just finished up getting ready and started to head downstairs. I was approaching the Livingroom when I saw Amelia come up to me.

Ross: Hey baby girl. Where's Mommy?

She points towards where she was sitting and I see Kay on the floor. I rush over to her.

Ross: Kay? Kay get up? Kayla?

She isn't moving at all. I feel for a pulse and she has one but it's barley there. I called 911 and explained the situation. I'm freaking out inside but holding it together for Amelia. I called Rydel to come over as soon as she can.

A few minutes later the ambulance showed up and Rydel got her after.

Rydel: Oh my god Ross what happened?

Ross: I don't know I came downstairs and Amelia pointed to her on the floor and she wouldn't respond to me. I need to go to the hospital with her can you please take Amelia.

Rydel: Yeah of course.

With that I left. I got to the hospital and went inside with the doctors. Next thing I hear is the monitor flat lining. Oh my god no she can't die no no no I just got her. We are having another kid. The doctors take me out of the room and Rydel and them are outside.

Rydel: Ross? What happened.

Ross: I- she.

I see Ry walk by the door.

Ry: No. This is not happening.

Rydel: Oh my god what?

Ry: They are trying to resuscitate her.

Everyone got silent. Amelia can not lose her mother.

Rocky: Ross Where's Kay? Why does everyone look so upset?

I couldn't speak so Ry did.

Ry: Rocky.....Its not looking like she is gonna make it.

I see Rocky take a step back. His face looks Pal.

Ross: What Rocky?

Rocky: She can't die.

Ross: What do you know?

Rocky: Something happened yesterday at the party.

Ry: What!?

Ross: What the fuck happened?

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