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Ross's POV:

It's been five minutes since Kayla went to answer the door and she hasn't came back yet. I'm starting to think something is wrong. I decided to check and make sure she was okay. When I got to the door it was wide opened which was strange. No one has seen her. I looked down and I see her phone on the ground about to call Devin. That could only mean one thing. Just then my phone rang and it's an unknown number, I decided to answer it.

Ross: Hello?

John: So this is the boyfriend of Kayla?

Ross: Um who are you and how do you know about me and Kayla.

John: Oh let me introduce myself, I'm john-

Ross: wait John? As in John James?

John: Oh she told me about you?

Ross: Where is she?

John: Somewhere?

Ross: That's not an answer, I want a place.

John: Sorry that's not available for you, you would be lucky if you ever see her again.

Ross: I swear if you touch her I will kill you!

John: Well I knocked her out and dragged her out of the house.

Ross: I'm gonna find her trust me on that.

John: Great see yeah when you get here, that's if she's alive.

Next thing I know the line clicked. Fuck I need to find where she is.

Kayla's POV:

I start to open my eyes and see that I'm chained to a chair. I looked around to try and figure out where the hell am I and then I see John across the room.

Kayla: Hey! Where the fuck did you take me?

John: Why don't you just relax.

Kayla: Go to hell!

John: Now is that how you talk to your best friend.

Kayla: You haven't been my best friend in years! You walked away from that obligation a long time ago.

John: You made me walk away!

Kayla: Fuck you! You walked away because I told you not to go see your mom for reasons and what happened, oh right you ended up in the hospital because you overdosed. While I moved on with my life!

John: I didn't overdose!

Kayla: Bullshit it was all over your Snapchat story and I only know that because Natalie showed me your story and that's when I found out and get pissed off because you never fucking told me......and you never fucking responded to my text messages.....that whole time I was blaming myself because I felt that I made you go!

At this point I'm crying, all the memories of those days came running back to me in a flood and all I could feel was all the pain that I felt that day.

Kayla: You told me that you were married back in Jersey.....guess that's a lie?

John: I didn't want to speak to you!

Kayla: Yeah well I don't give a fuck I don't care anymore!

John: Are-

I see my phone light up by him and I see the caller ID, I see John go over and pick it up with a smirk on his face.

John: Hello again!

Ross: Where is she?!

John: She's alive for now! Not sure what I wanna do to her yet!

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