The News Part II

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Nikilynn Pov:

Me and Emily had gotten radioed in about an accident. We started heading to the scene with the other pratol cars and I realized who's car it was and my heart dropped. It was Kayla.

Nikilynn: Oh my god.

Emily: What's wrong.

Nikilynn: It's Kayla.

I got out of the car as fast as I can and ran to the car. Her eyes were closed and every time I called her name she wouldn't answer. Next thing I knew I was thinking bad things. I told the fire department that we need to get her out now.

About a good 20 minutes later they got her on a stretcher. I walk over to the monitor and saw she had a small heart beat. I told Emily I was gonna ride with her to the hospital. She let me go.

At the hospital:

They finally had put Kayla in the room. I was in the waiting room calling Rydel.

Rydel's POV:

My phone started going off at the party where everyone was still hanging and I saw it was Nikilynn and I answered.

Rydel: Hello.

Nikilynn: Hey Rydel um are you near Ross at the moment?

Rydel: No, but do you need me near him?

Nikilynn: No okay so I have some news. Kayla has been in a bad accident and she is now on the hospital and to be honest its not looking good.

Rydel: Oh my god. Um okay we will be there soon thanks.

I walked out into the back yard trying not to cry.

Mom: What's wrong Rydel?

I looked at Ross and he gave me a concern look.

Ross: What is it Rydel.

Rydel: It's......It's um.....Kayla she um got into a bad accident and its not looking to good we have to go to the hospital.

Ross: Fuck!

Next thing I know we are all rushing out of the hospital. I really hope she doesn't die because Ross can't handle that and he might try to hurt his own self and we can't have that. I don't understand how this can be happening.

We finally got to the hospital and saw nikilynn there and we all went to her.

Stormie: How is she? Did they tell you anything yet?

Nikilynn: No they haven't came in yet.

Stormie: Oh okay.

Ross: Where the fuck is she?

Stormie: Ross Calm down the doctors will be here soon. Please just sit here next to me.

Ross's POV:

I listen to mom and sit next to her and wait for the doctors to come in.

Nikilynn: How is she?

Doctor: You all need to sit down there is a lot that I'm about to tell you.

We all sit down and wait for him to speak.

Doctor: First thing firsts she is unfortunately in a coma and we aren't sure for how long yet. Also, she doesn't have anything broken or sprained which is good news. The one last thing that I do want to mention is that to the force of the accident she did miscarry her child.

My eyes widened and was shocked at what he just said. She was pregnant. I know who did this and I am so not happy about it and I will find them.

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