It didn't mean anything

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Kayla's POV:

I woke up and saw Ross still next to be and I realized we are stopped at a gas station. I slowly got up and got dressed without trying to wake him up I got off the bus to get some type of snack and a drink. Once I got off the bus I saw Rydel.

Kayla: Delly I need to ask you a favor?

Rydel: What's up?

Kayla: I need you to convince Ross to get back on the bus with you guys please.

Rydel: Haha yeah I'm not the one you need to talk to because I am not allowed because mom said you guys need to talk.

Kayla: We did "talk". Delly please please do this for me tell mom I got sick or something.

Rydel: Omg you guys had sex.

Kayla: Shhhhhh yes now please.

Rydel: Okay fine but you owe me.

Kayla: Fine with me. Thank you.

Ross got off the bus and I went into the store so he wouldn't see me and once I saw him head to their bus I ran to mine. I got on the bus and I sat on the couch. We started heading to the venue and I took a deep breath.

2 hours later:

We soon arrived at the venue and I had to get ready once I was ready I headed out on stage. About 30 minutes later it was time for me to get off stage so that they can get on and start the show. I started to head to the bus when mom called my name.

Mom: Kayla!

Kayla: Yeah mom?

Mom: I just wanted to give you the name of the hotel we are staying at tonight since we don't have a show tomorrow.

Kayla: Okay thanks I'm gonna wait on the bus and change.

Mom: Okay see you at dinner.

I stopped.

Kayla: What?

Mom: At dinner. We are having dinner tonight all together and you are coming.

Kayla: I can't mom I don't-

Mom: I know your not sick Kayla. Rydel told me what happened nice try but you are having dinner and you are sitting next to Ross.

Kayla: I will go to dinner but I am not sitting next to him. Put me by Ry or Riker or hell even Rocky but just not Ross.

Mom: You are weather you like it or not.

Kayla: Fine.

I walk back to the bus all pissed off. Why does mom want this to happen so bad. I change into comfortable clothing and lay on the couch on my phone. 30 minutes later we started heading to the hotel. Once we got there everyone got their room and I headed to mine.

Mom had texted me stating we will be having dinner in an hour so I decided to start to get ready. I decided to put on some black ripped tight skinny jeans a tank-top and a flannel.

At dinner:

We are sitting at the table and she put me between Ry and Ross. I see mom watching me with a smirk on her face along with Rydel. I looked at both of them as the boys talk amongst themselves and whisper to them I hate you and they whispered no you don't.

After dinner that felt like forever I went back to my room I was about to open my door when I heard a voice behind me.

Ross: Your performance was good earlier today.

Kayla: Thanks, now what is the real reason why you are here?

Ross: To talk about what happened last night.

I walked into my hotel room with Ross behind me.

Kayla: There's nothing to talk about.

Ross: Why are you acting like it didn't mean anything.

Kayla: Because Ross it didn't you were there and I needed someone and it was in the heat of the moment.

Ross: Bullshit you wanted me.

Kayla: No I didn't like I said you were there and I was annoyed and needed to fuck someone and it happened to be you so back off.

Ross: No I am not walking away this time.

Kayla: Ross I'm not in the mood for this.

Ross: Clearly you are never in a mood to talk about us.

Kayla: There is no us anymore you fucked up so you can go Ross.

Ross: No!

Kayla: Yes!

He got closer to me.

Ross: No I'm not leaving.

Kayla: Yes you are. We aren't together and we aren't gonna be together ever again.

This time he closed the gap and our faces were inches apart.

Ross: Who says.

Kayla: I do!

Ross: Yeah I don't think so.

Next thing I know his lips are against mine. I don't know why but I kissed back. The make-out session started to get real heated. I feel his hands on either side of my hips as he pulls me close to him. I cant this can't happen we can't. I pull away from him and walk to the other side away from him because I cant feel his touch on me or I will want him.

Ross: Ka-

Kayla: No we cant do this again we cant happen.

Ross: Why not it's not lik-

Just then my phone starts to ring and I realized it's by Ross. I noticed what the name was and I tried to go grab it but Ross grabbed my phone.

Ross: What the fuck! Why the fuck is he calling you Kayla.

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