The News

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Me and Ross woke up the next morning and went to run some errands before that party mom was having at her house. We were out and I was between my boyfriend and my so called body guard. I really don't like the fact Devin is here in California but I guess he really is trying to protect me.

We were in the car and not even two minutes later Ross and Devin start fighting.

Devin: Kayla what's new? I mean I haven't seen you in awhile and let me say you still look good.

Kayla: Um we-

Ross: Listen your only here because I love her and want to protect her but don't try to get with her because she is mine.

I rolled my eye's because I knew they were gonna start.

Devin: Well I had her first so.

Ross: You also broke her so many times so I don't know how she can even put up with you. Plus now she's with me in my bed not yours.

Devin: I mean I think I fucked her more then you.

Ross: Haha yeah right lets see I fucked her last night and then the other night oh and-

Kayla: Oh look we are back at the house.

I get out of the car and head into my bedroom. I need a brake from them. I knew they were gonna argue but really like now your gonna argue in the car. I really can't wait till Devin leaves.

Ross: You okay.

Kayla: yup great, ready to go.

I walk out to the car again and we head to moms. Once I saw we approached the house my nerves kicked in because now I was a wear what was gonna happen when we walk through the door. We approached the door and Ross walked in first and we walked into the backyard.

Ry: What the fuck is he doing here?

Riker: Who, Kayla what the fuck?

Rocky: Okay Kayla you better tell us right now what he is doing here or so help me-

Kayla: Okay you know what enough. God I can't anymore I already had to hear Ross fight with him in the car I can't. He is here because my other ex wants to practically kill me and I really don't fucking know why.

Ry: Okay well he doesn't need to protect you because he has us-

Riker: Yeah so he can fucking go.

Rocky: He really needs to leave.

Devin: Why are you caring you fucking hate her and to be honest I don't fucking care what you dumbass think.

Ry: I'm about to punch your face in.

Riker: In about two seconds we all ar-

Kayla: Everyone just shut the fuck up I'm done with this shit. This has gotten way out of hand enough. I really don't fucking care what happens anymore. You all have fucked me over and Rocky I don't understand why you even fucking care what happens to me.

I walked away from all of them and went into the living room. I couldn't handle this anymore. All of a sudden I felt really sick and ran to the bathroom. The fact that this is a happening as I just found out I'm pregnant is crazy. I mean it's been so crazy that I didn't even tell Ross yet.

Rydel then saw me walk out of the bathroom.

Rydel: Kay are you okay? Did you just get sick?

Kay: Yeah I'm fine. It's not the first time.

She looked at me and I realized what I said and I was like shit.

Rydel: Are you pregnant?

Kay: Shhhh yeah but I didn't tell him yet.

I decided to go home and stay there. Devin took off before I left the party. I decided that I was hungry and went to the car to go get something to eat. I was at a stoplight and was listening to music the light then turned green and I went. Next thing I knew I heard a big crash then Before I knew it I felt pain then blacked out.

Authors note:

Oh no Kayla get into a bad accident it seems like. Will she be okay? Will she lose her memory or worse her Baby? Except an update pretty soon.

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