Three Day's later

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Its been three days since the fight at the softball game and I don't regret what I did. Jaz deserved that beaten that she had gotten and she had no right to mention about my miscarriage she doesn't know what I've been through after the accident and Ross don't even get me started on him now he has lost me for awhile. He keeps trying to calling and texting me and I've just been ignoring him. As for Vinny well he has checked up on me but still haven't really talked to him and let me tell you he isn't found of it. I had to get some laundry done and went to look at a few places to rent so that I can stop living in this hotel room so after I see a few places I told mom I was gonna stop by and do laundry.

Mom has been worried about me ever since the fight so she is happy that I'm stopping by for a little bit. I finish up what I was doing in the hotel and headed out.

Vinny: Kay wait up.

Kayla: Yeah vin what's up?

Vinny: Where you going?

Kayla: Well right now I'm going to look for a place to rent so that I don't have to stay in the hotel anymore.

Vinny: Stay with me.

Kayla: What?

Vinny: I got a spare room and everything is payed for so just come and stay with me Kay.

Kayla: Are you serious? I can't ask you to do that for me Vin.

Vinny: Your not asking I'm telling you to come and stay with me and yes I'm am very serious. So what do you say?

I thought about it and I mean it would get me out of this damn hotel.

Kayla: Yeah um I don't have everything in the hotel room most of it is back at my other house.

Vinny: Alright so lets just put when you got in the hotel room in my place then tomorrow we can get the rest of the stuff. Plus I know a guy with a truck so we can ask him to help out with the big stuff.

Kayla: Okay yeah sounds good.

We moved everything from the hotel room into Vinny's house into the room I was staying in. About an hour later we were finished and we sat down on the couch. I saw the time and I had about an hour to get the clothes done before the family went to mom's house.

Kayla: Vinny I'll be back.

Vinny: Where you going?

Kayla: To go do laundry at moms house I told her I'll stop by for a little.

Vinny: Want me to come? I mean I should after what happened at the game.

Kayla: I mean if you want to yeah sure.

In the car on the way to mom's house:

Kayla: She had it coming vin.

Vinny: I know Kay but still like holy shit keeping you back was hard as fuck you don't have to kill her.

Kayla: Deep down I really want to.

Vinny: Kay just show her that she doesn't affect you or at least try to.

Kayla: I do try Vin its just not easy with her including with the fucking way she acts.

Vinny: Yeah you have a point.

Kayla: And to think I got here before everyone else.

I pulled up and saw everyone here which meant I would have to sneak in and sneak to the laundry room to avoid anyone talking to be besides mom. This is gonna be really fun. I'm most likely gonna be stuck here for an hour.

We got out of the car and walk up to the front door because there was no way I can get through the backyard. I paused for a second. Then opened the door and saw no one I told Vinny to just stay around me because I know if they saw him they would know I was here too.

I was just about to enter the laundry room but then I stopped because a few feet away right when I saw Ross and Jaz making out. I looked away quickly and ran into the laundry room before they saw me. I decided to just stay in the laundry room and do what I have to do and get out of the quickly.

Vinny: You okay?

Kayla: Yeah.....fine.

Vinny: Look at me and say that.

I couldn't look at him and say it because I'm not.

Vinny: Kay just stop going out with him I don't understand why you keep going back.

Kayla: I don't know Vinny okay can we not have this conversation right now.

Vinny: Kay your hurting yourself.

Kayla: I fucking know that Vinny.

The dryer beeped and a sigh escaped from my mouth.

Kayla: now we can get the fuck out of her.

Vinny grabbed the bin and walked to the car while I was behind him. I walked out of the laundry room avoiding looking where they were making out until I heard my name.

Ross: Kay.

I stopped and couldn't move. It took me a second then I spoke.

Kayla: to get going..

I started walking but he grabbed my wrist and brought me into a room.

Ross: We need to talk.

Kayla: No I need to go.

I wont even look at him. I start to move towards the door but grabbed my wrist and pinned me against the wall. Why is this happening right now.

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