Five Day's Later (Continued)

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I stayed over for about another hour at Rydel's house then I figured it was time to go. I started to say goodbye to Rydel and everyone else. I started walking to the door and walked to my car and felt someone pinned me to my car. I rolled my eye's because I knew exactly who it was.

Ross: And where are you going?

Kayla: Home.

Ross: Your coming with me.

Kayla: Ha. Don't tell me that you thought I was serious earlier.

Ross: Oh come on Kay you so were.

Kayla: I was not. Plus don't you have your girlfriend waiting for you at home.

Ross: She isn't my girlfriend so no I don't. Plus the only person I want to go home to is you.

Kayla: Yeah sure Ross let me just forget all of the shit that went down since before you went on tour.

Ross: Oh my fucking god Kay seriously that shit happened fucking months ago and your still gonna fucking hold onto it.

Kayla: Yeah I'm gonna fucking still hang onto it because my boyfriend at the time cheated on me every chance he got and still manage to get me back into his fucking life then fucking hurt me again. So no Ross its gonna take time for me to fucking forget it.

At this point we are yelling at each other and I'm sure all of Rydel's neighbors here's them. At this point I'm pissed off and upset.

Ross: I get it Kay I fucked up bad with you....

He backed up from me and ran his hand through his hair.

Ross: But have you realized that no matter what I fucking do I still try to fucking come back to you and when I do you turn away from me until I am able to get you alone just so that I can fucking talk to you.

Kayla: I turn away because you fucking hurt me too many times. How am I suppose to trust you? You have no clue how hard I try to go back to you and when I do I knew I fucked up because I know your gonna hurt me.

I feel myself start to cry. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and saw that Colt texted me and said I should come back to the house.

Ross: Kay-

Kayla: I got to go.

Ross: Kay plea-

Kayla: I'll see you around Ross.

I wouldn't even look at him instead I just got in the car and took off back to the house.

About 10 minutes later I got back to the house. The whole ride home I was crying, I don't understand why. I mean I do want him back but I don't wanna get hurt again I cant deal with it right now. I walked on the house and Colt seemed to be the only one here I guess Vinny went out with some friends. I was just so upset I started heading to my room.

Colt: Hey Kay.

I just kept walking. I don't want him to see me like this but I didn't far when he stopped me. I was almost to my room I could have locked him out I was just too annoyed now.

Colt: What's wrong? Were you crying?

Kayla: Move Colt.

Colt: No talk to me. Was it him?

Kayla: Can we just not talk about it and you get out of my way.

Colt: No.

I went to move but Colt pinned me against the wall in the hallway. Me and Colt haven't been this close in awhile I mean our faces were inches away.

Colt: Talk to me please.

He said that in like a hushed tone because we were so close. I didn't answer instead I just stood there we both did. We are still in the same position as before. Soon I see Colt start to lean in and I feel myself do the same. Before you know it his lips are on mine. It was slow at first but started to get heated real quick.

Colt lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his waist as he carries me into the bedroom and then I feel my back hit my bed. His lips trail down from my lips to my neck finding my sweet spot. A small moan escapes my mouth and I feel him smile against my neck. His lips then find my lips again. I lift up his shirt and he takes it off. He then does the same to me as he then kisses down my stomach then stops when he gets down to my jeans. He looks up for approval and I just shook my head yes. He then removes them. The next thing I know I'm completely naked and he is too. I saw him take out a condom but I shook my head no and he looked at me for a second and I told him I was on the pill and he then understood.

After we did it he decided to go back to his room. I can't believe I just fucked Colt. I mean don't get me wrong it felt really nice actually.

About a few days later Colt had asked me out and I said Yes. I haven't talked to Ross much since the last interaction we had. Colt later asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes.

A day later mom had asked me if I wanted to come to the beach house and I said yeah sure and she said I can bring Colt. Everyone in the family basically already knows about me and Colt except Ross. And I'm sure he will be there so this weekend will be very interesting.

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