Never gonna be the same!

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Ross's POV:

I couldn't believe what I just saw, but he did deserve it. I've never thought Kay would ever do anything like that or even had it in her. It hurt me seeing her so upset and angry. I guess him killing Devin in front of her is what made her go off. I didn't think I had it in myself to shoot anyone in that room but according to Colt and Vinny those guys are terrible people. When we heard the cops coming we headed out Vinny yelled for Kay to follow as she stared at John laying lifeless on the floor tears still streaming down her face. I think this is the most that I've seen her upset. She's a mess and now I gotta make sure she is okay because Amelia needs her to be and so do I.

Kayla's POV:

We are in the car on our way back to mom's house and I finally stopped crying. I stare out the window avoiding any eye contact with Ross. What just happened was my dark side. That's the side he has never seen before even when we were on and off. Seeing Devin get shot right in front of me was something I never thought would happen. I also didn't think it would make me feel this dark and angry. The last time I was like this was when my grandmother died. It's hard to get me to become this dark and angry. I'm just still surprised at what I did.

We pulled up to mom's house and we all get out. Mom and the rest of the family standing outside. I see Rydel holding Amelia and I looked at her.

Rydel: Kay? Wanna hold her?

I just looked at Rydel and walked right passed her and Amelia, inside. I decided to walk straight to the back yard since no one followed me and left walking home. I'm not myself I couldn't even hold Amelia because I'm scared to hurt her. I'm covered in blood still. His blood. Why does it hurt! I hate him for what he did! I finally reach mine and Ross's house and head inside. I go straight into the bedroom and grabbed some clothes then went into the shower.

Ross's POV:

She just walked right passed Amelia. As Amelia was reaching for her. Why? She loves Amelia, she wouldn't do that.

Rydel: What was that Ross?

Ross: She's not okay Delly something happened back there.

Rydel: Please tell me that's not her blood!

Ross: No....It's Johns.

Rydel: W-What?

Ross: Like I said something happened back there and I don't want to talk about it.

I took Amelia from Rydel and went inside to look for Kay.

Vinny: She's gone!

Ross: What the fuck do you mean she's gone.

Colt: We searched this whole place she's gone, she left.

Ross: Maybe she went back to the house?

Colt: Could be a possibility!

Ross: Alright then, I'll head to the house and get Amelia down and see if Kay's there, you guys go home and rest and I'll text you that she's okay.

Colt: Alright sounds good, bye Amelia love you.

Vinny: Bye Amelia, If you need us to babysit one day or have her stay the night till you can figure out what's going on with Kay just let us know.

Ross: Sounds good.

I grab Amelia's things and put her in the car. I say good-bye to everyone and head home.

Kayla's POV:

I get out of the shower and get dressed. After I cleaned up I went to the kitchen and opened the fridge and saw a bottle of Vodka. I took it out and grabbed a cup. I poured some in the cup and sat down. I stared at the cup for a minute, not sure if I should take a sip. I grab the glass and put it to my lips and take a sip. I keep drinking it to the point I'm on my second glass, then my third. Now I'm drunk sitting at the counter hearing a car pull in.

Kayla: This is gonna be fun.

Ross's POV:

I pulled up to the house grabbed Amelia out of the car quietly since she was sleeping and walked into the front door, seeing Kay sitting at the counter with a bottle of Vodka half empty. That's not a good sign. I decided to text Vinny to come take Amelia for a couple nights since I can tell this is gonna be a rough road with Kay.

About 20 minutes later Vinny came and picked Amelia up. I said thank you to Vinny and went back inside. I walked over to Kay as she just kept drinking. I take the bottle of Vodka and the cup she was drinking out of away.

Kayla: Hey!

Ross: Your drink come on time for bed.

Kayla: No, I'm not going to sleep.

She got up and looked at me.

Ross: Come on Kay please.

Kayla: Where's Amelia?

Ross: Don't worry about that I got it covered.

Kayla: She's my daughter who I took care of before we got back together so it is my business.

Ross: Your drunk you don't mean that, and she is my daughter as well even though I wasn't there when she was born.

Kayla: You weren't there because you were too busy fucking-

Ross: Kayla stop.

Kayla: Aw you don't want her name to be mentioned how cute.

I decided to just take matters into my own hands. I throw her over my shoulder and carry her into the bedroom and lay her down in bed.

Kayla: I told you I'm not going to sleep!

She sits up but I pin her back down.

Ross: Just close your eyes and go to sleep please.

She looks at me for a second then listens. I sigh in relief and go back down stairs and clean up the vodka and then get into bed and went to sleep. I know she isn't okay but we are gonna get through it.

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