Christmas Day!

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Kayla: Vinny!

Vinny: Yeah Kay

He walks into the kitchen where I was and had Amelia in his arms. I smile at the sight.

Kayla: Look's like Uncle Vinny will be her favorite.

Colt: Hey, you just wait till she learns to talk. Her first word will be colt.

Kayla: No her first word better be Mommy or Mama.

Colt: Fine but her second word will be my name.

Vinny: She woke up. Oh no she is crying Kay take her.

I laughed.

Kayla: You can't always give her to me when she cry's and don't forget you are bringing her to mom's later.

Vinny: Yes I know but do something to make her stop.

Kayla: Nope here give her the bottle. She is hungry and if that doesn't work then she might of went to the bathroom so you would check, and then if she is clean try her binky. You will be fine Vinny only for a couple of hours.

Vinny: Hours!

Kayla: You will be fine and then she is mine for the night. I'm sure mom will have some food left so Colt you can come and that way you guys can actually eat and not eat fast food. Oh and colt I need you to go to my place and build the crib for me. Thanks love you both!

Vinny and Colt: Love you too!

I gave Amelia a kiss good-bye and left. About 10 minutes later I arrived at mom's. I decided to cover up the baby seat in the back so one saw it. I walked in and they all ran to me.

Ryland: Your back! How was the trip?

Rydel: Kay! I've missed you! Wait, why do you smell like baby oil?

Kayla: Whoa okay. The trip was fun I was mostly tired from it and I don't know why I smell like baby oil.

Riker and Vanny weren't there yet and neither was Rocky and Alex. Ross was there already but he didn't come up to me or anything. I don't think he noticed I was here yet he seemed to be in his own little head, But then I saw her. I guess he didn't mean what he said. Riker and Vanny and Rocky and Alex came and I hugged them and talked to Vanny and Alex for a bit. That's when mom said dinner, I wasn't hungry so I just went to call Vinny to ask how Amelia was doing. After the phone call I went back inside everyone soon finished and talked a little. That's when I locked eye's with Ross. Before he could walk over mom said gift time. I felt relived because I didn't want to hear anything.

Kayla: Hey mom um after gifts I was wondering if I could make an announcement because I have a surprise for everyone.

Stormie: Of course that's fine.

Kayla: Thanks.

We all did the gifts and we were on the last two people. I keep feeling someone look at me and I know it's Ross. I texted Vinny to head over and he said he will be there in five. The last person went then mom said:

Stormie: Okay before everyone moves Kay here says she has an announcement for us and a surprise.

Kayla: Thanks mom. Okay so what I am going to show you will make most of you cry happy tears and some will be very shocked and some might be upset with me.

I heard the door open and I saw Vinny.

Kayla: If I'm honest this person makes me really happy and I think she will make a great new addition to the family.

They looked at me all confused when I walked up to Vinny and took Amelia.

Kayla: Everyone meet Amelia Rose Lynch.

Stormie: Oh my stars Kay you had a baby?

Kayla: I did!

Rydel: That's why you smelled like baby oil.

Kayla: Yes Rydel. I am now a mommy just like you. Except you have a boy and I have a girl.

Ross: Who's the father?

Everyone got silent and looked between me and him. I walked up to him with her in my arms. He backed away. He was upset.

Ross: Who Kay. She looks a month old!

Kayla: Fine Ross! It's you! You have a daughter! So either you clean up your act or I won't even consider us a chance again.

Ross: You didn't tell me all this time! You have been pregnant for months and you didn't tell me.

Kayla: Why would I when your still fucking her on the side? You blame me when your the one making the mistakes not me. The one thing that I didn't plan to happen made me the happiest person I could ever be.

I hear Amelia cry and I walk up to her! I gave her to Delly when me and Ross started fighting. I bring her in my arms me crying as well. Mom and Rydel trying to help me relax as well as I'm trying to calm Amelia down. I need to go home.

Kayla: Mom and the rest of you guys can come visit the baby anytime. But for Ross.....go fuck yourself!

With that I grabbed the diaper bag and went out to the car and buckled her in. I headed to the house and once I pulled up I took out Amelia and went to the front door. I got in the house and put her onto the counter top and went to the fridge to grab a drink. I took her out of the car seat because she started crying. I made a bottle and then I heard the door bell ring. I look at the window and saw.....Ross's car. I opened the door.

Kayla: What do you want Ross?

Ross: Can we talk? Please.

I move and let him in. I go and sit down and he sits next to me.

Kayla: What do you wanna talk about?

Ross: Look...I know I freaked out bad when I saw her in your arms. I just thought you didn't tell me on purpose and I knew she was mine. But when you left Jaz was there I told her to leave but she wouldn't and some things just happened. I'm not with her Kay. I agree I need to stop screwing around and make my decision on what I want.

Kayla: I thought about telling you but I just couldn't and you really have fucked up with me. Then when I had her....I was happy....she reminded me of you and it hit me.....I didn't tell you because I wasn't ready.

I saw her asleep in my arms.

Kayla: Let me go put her down. I'll be right back.

I walked into her room and smiled when I saw the crib built. Thanks Colt. I go to the crib and put her down. I made sure she was okay. I go back out and saw Ross in the kitchen.

Ross: I know my decision Kay.

I stopped and looked at him.

Kayla: What is it?

He came closer.

Ross: It's.....

Authors note:

Cliffhanger!!! Who do you think Ross choose? Kayla or Jaz? Find out in the next chapter!

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