In the Hospital

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Ross's POV:

I was still standing there surprised that she was pregnant again. I wasn't mad I was actually happy but then when he said she had a miscarriage it kind of hurt me.

Ross: Can we see her?

Doctor: Yes, you can go see her. She is on the 3rd floor, fourth room on your left.

We all said thank you and started to head to her room. We all walk in and mom starts crying. I go to her and hug her to help her calm down a bit. We all hung out for awhile then everyone left but me. I sit next to her bed and grab her hand. That's when I start to feel the tears stream down my cheeks. I hate seeing her like this, it breaks me. I decided to stay in the hospital with her until she wakes up and goes home. I'm that's really soon.

A few day's later:

Ross's POV Still:

It's been a few days and still no change and I am starting to get worried.

A few weeks Later:

Still Ross's POV:

I am still sitting next to her now holding her hand. She hasn't woken yet still and now I'm just praying that she wakes up. I talk to her and hope she here's me. I tell her how much I love her and how much I want her to be back in my arms, and telling her that I can't live without her.

Kayla's POV:

I hear Ross talking but I can't move to talk to him or kiss him or see him. I am assuming I was in a coma for a few weeks, months, or days I'm not sure. I wanna hold his hand and open my eyes but I feel I cant do it so I try again. I feel my hand move and my eye's starting to open.

Ross's POV:

I feel her hand move in mine and I look up to see she is trying to open her eyes.

Ross: Kayla!

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