The Day Ross Comes Back From Tour

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I woke up the next morning and got ready for they day. In a few hours Ross was gonna be home so in the mean time I did what I had to do so that I won't have to do it later and we can all just hang out. My phone has been blowing up since I woke up with call's and text messages from my ex boyfriend/ex bestfriend its starting to get annoying so I decided to block him and continue on with my day.

A few hours later:

Ross will be here in about 10minutes. I was finishing up a couple things and then the door bell rang which was weird because I wasn't expecting anyone. I went to open the door and surprise to find the one guys that has been calling and texting me since Ross left for tour:

Kayla: Devin what the fuck are you doing here?

Devin: We need to talk.

Ross was gonna be here any minute and if he saw him here there was gonna be a problem and the worse part was no one in Ross's family likes Devin and I have no clue who is dropping off Ross and if it is one of the boy's I'm fucked.

Kayla: You need to go.

Devin: I can't we have to tal-

Just then a car pulled up and I heard Ross's voice.

Ross's POV:

I was 10 minutes away from home and was ready to see my girlfriend. Ryland decided to take me home and told me he wanted to apologize to Kayla for what had happened at Christmas. We pulled up to the house when Ryland said:

Ry: Is that Devin?

My head snapped up to see of Ry was playing with me and when I saw he wasn't I was pissed.

Ross: Yeah it is, What the fuck is he doing?

Kayla's POV:

Ross: What the fuck is he doing here Kayla?

Kayla: I don't know. I haven't talked to him in years.

Devin: Kayla your not safe he know where you live.

Ross: Why the fuck should she trust you, you broke her heart so many times and your an asshole.

Kayla: Ross relax. What are you talking about Devin. Who?

Devin: John is coming to California to come find you?

Kayla: How do you know that?

Devin: You forget who I hang with. Listen I don't know what he is planning.

Kayla: Do you know when?

Ross: Are you seriously fucking believing him.

I walked over to Ross who was death glaring at Devin and seeing his hands turn into fists.

Kayla: Look at me. Please look at me.

It took him a minute to finally look at me.

Kayla: I do believe him because he knew about john and he is very protective over me. So trust me when I say we can trust him on this one.

Ross: I don't like this Kay.

Kayla: I know but you have to trust me.

Ross: Okay, I'll trust you but I don't trust him alone with you.

Devin: Shit.

Me and Ross look at him. I walk over to Devin Ross behind me.

Kayla: What?

Devin: He is on his way to California now.

Kayla: Your fucking joking right?

Devin: I wish I was but I'm not.

Ross: Okay so what now?

Devin: I know you don't like me Ross but in order to keep her safe or until we figure out how to get him out of her life for good I need to hang around for awhile.

Ross: No not gonna happen you are not being around her and her life.

Kayla: Ross-

Ross: No Kay he is not he fucked up your life enough.

Kayla: Ross its the only way please I can't run please trust me.

Ross: Your lucky I love you.

Kayla: I know. So how is this gonna work Devin.

Devin: It's simple. I am going to be around you everywhere you go such as family events and going shopping and things like that.

Kayla: So basically my body guard?

Devin: Yeah.

Ross: Oh this is gonna be fun.

I looked at Ross and rolled my eye's. I knew he wasn't gonna be a fan of doing this but right now we are just gonna see how it goes. The only problem is mom is having a small party at her house and Devin has to come with me and I know no one is gonna like it including the boys.

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