Next Day Continued

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She looked at me with a pissed off look and left. Now I just hope this shit is over with because she is really getting on my fucking nerves.

I go to the bathroom and clean up. She really got me good this time but nothing too serious thankfully. Once I finished I walked back outside and here comes another fight just what I need today.

End Of Recap

Once I got outside I saw the one person that I hoped finally back off. Jaz stood there right in front of Ross flirting with him. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes and once I opened my eyes I saw Colt walk in along with Vinny behind him. This is great.

Vinny: Colt come on she doesn't want to talk to you.

I walked over to Vinny and Colt.

Colt: Kay can we talk? Please!

Kayla: Fuck off colt. I don't want to talk to you.

Ross was too busy with Jaz that he didn't even realize Colt was here.

Colt: Kay please I know I fucked up again but it wont happe-

Kayla: Don't give me that fucking bullshit. I'm so tired of people fucking telling me that when I know its not fucking true!

At this point I was pissed and yelling at Colt. Everyone is now watching including Ross.

Colt: Kay I-

Kayla: No you know what I'm done okay that's it I'm done. I'm done with you Colt and I am definitely done with you Ross. You know what's so fucking funny to me is that Vinny and Rocky were the only two guys here that didn't fucking hurt me. Its so sad because I haven't done shit to you guys and at the end I'm the only one that gets hurt.

Ross: Kay there's noth-

Kayla: Don't talk to me I want nothing to do with you I told you me or her and you choose her.

I walked out of the backyard. I didn't stop I heard Mom call for me and Rydel including the boys by now I'm crying as I walk back to my house and started packing. I'm going back into a hotel Room until I find a place, maybe even start writing music again like I did when I was younger.

I was about to walk out the door of Vinny's house with everything but Vinny came back and saw me.

Vinny: Kay no where are you going.

I see Colt behind him. I back up and let him in.

Kayla: I'm leaving Vin. I can't stay here anymore. I'll be okay.

He looked at me with tears in his eye's and I hugged him and left not even saying good-bye to Colt.

Colt's POV:

She just left. She didn't say good-bye and didn't even look at me.

Vinny: I hope your happy Colt cause you just fucked up and she wont even stay here anymore.

Colt: I didn't expect her to find out Vin. I didn't expect it to happen.

Vinny: Well it fucking did and at the same time she got back with him and she still got heart broken again she can never get a fucking break.

Colt: You think you can do better then me and him.

Vinny: Yeah I do actually because unlike you guys I know her, I know her more then the both of you do so yes I do feel I can do better.

Colt: I thi-

Me and Vinny stopped because we heard a knock on the door.

Ross's POV:

Ross: I need to go I have to go talk to her.

Jaz: Oh please she put on a scene just so that you would go chase after her that wasn't rare emotion.

Ross: No Jaz that was her raw emotion I know her and I have fucked up and lost her too many times so now I'm gonna be serious I'm done with you completely we are not a couple we aren't even friends Jaz. So you can go back home and leave me and my family alone.

Jaz: You can't be serious.

Ross: I'm very serious now leave.

She left and I told mom I was going back to see if she is still at the house. I get into my car and start heading to the house. About 5 minutes later I had arrived.

I walked in and didn't see her then I went into the bedroom and all of her stuff was gone. There's no way she left. She wouldn't just leave.

I decide to go to Vinny's place and hope that she is there. I start to head over there. Once I arrived I knocked on the door.

Vinny's POV:

I decided to open the door because I was right next to it.

Vinny: What do you want?

Ross: Is Kayla here I really need to talk to her?

Vinny: No she fucking left.

Ross: What do you mean she left Vinny.

Vinny: She is fucking gone Ross. She took off, she packed her shit and left.

Ross: No she wouldn't just leave.

Vinny: Well she did. Goodnight Ross.

With that I shut the door and decided to just lay down. I can't believe she left she didn't even tell me where she was going. I went on Instagram and posted a sad picture and in the caption I wrote I miss my bestfriend I cant believe she left. After 5 minutes of me posting the picture I saw that Kayla comment.

Kayla: I'm always here Vinny don't worry I'll be okay

Vinny's Reply: Please come back home. Please.

She never replied back to me I think I'll just go to sleep and hope this is all just a dream.

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