note ten

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dear y/n l/n,

when my remaining hyungs found out about the letters about you, they told me that i should stop. i told them to leave me alone.

heeseung hyung was patient enough to ask what i was going to do and i said i'm going to be brave this time.

he didn't think it would involve me writing a lot of letters for you. i don't know if these were reaching you.

i just need a small sign that you are getting this and that you are, in fact, the girl who made me feel like a coward before.

please, y/n, i know i've been pleading a lot but i can't sleep thinking if you really have a boyfriend or not.

i'm not trying to get you to pity me, i just hated everything in my life right now.

i've lost too much in the most unexpected way last year.

please, i don't want to lose you too forever.

sincerely a friend,
nishimura riki

Dear Nishimura Riki ⚊ Letter Series # 6Where stories live. Discover now