letter twenty five

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dear nishimura riki,

today he caught me onto something that even my friends had never known because i never told them and they didn't look closely enough to see.

eiji being the observant that he was in my every move asked me the question. one that i never to got to answer.

it was lunch time and i was staring as you stared at her. it's kind of ironic that i'm admiring you from afar while you're doing the same thing for her.

eiji is sitting in front of me and had been long forgotten as i watched how you were smiling at the instant she looked back at you. innocently enough, that hurts.

i guess your cousin noticed i wasn't listening and followed my guess. i then snapped out of my little bubble but before i could make up a lie, eiji is already putting two and two together

"you like my cousin, don't you?"

that's the question. there was something in his eyes that was foreign to me, and i just couldn't point it out.

i was left speechless and thankful, that any of my friends weren't present to hear that, so i just glanced at my food and resumed eating.

i could faintly see eiji shakes his head through my lashes. i don't know if it's due to disbelief? disappointment?

i get it. i'm just too plain for me to like you.

i don't know anymore what's going on with me.

your secret admirer,
y/n l/n

Dear Nishimura Riki ⚊ Letter Series # 6Where stories live. Discover now