letter thirty six

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dear nishimura riki,

being with eiji made me feel like the happiest and luckiest girl in the world. being with him made me feel things that i never felt with you.

he was gentle and cautious, handling me as if i was the most delicate person. he looks at me as if i was priceless diamond nobody should touch except for him.

you made me feel once like one of the planets revolving around your universe, but with him, the universe was revolving around me.

he was that one for me. eiji, simply and plainly my eiji alone.

maybe this was real love?

i don't know. i'm too young to tell and only time will know.

i thought as he hugs me and caressing my face down my neck before he took my first kiss, that this was it, i've already done. i've already moved on from my first love.

and they told me heartbreak was necessary in order to move on.

i wanted to say this thing to you, maybe one day you'll find that one that could be your happiness.

and any love could be found in any kind of forms. even in friendship.

if you found that girl for you, let me tell you that you'll feel every touch was electric, every caress holds the words that need not to be said, instead was made by both hearts beating rhythmically.

i love him.

and this was it. that feelings that makes you want to live in that moment forever.

i hope you'll find yours too, nishimura riki. you were a great person, so there's no doubt in that.

and i heard from eiji, that you got accepted in bighit, so by the way, congrats and wow them all with your talents.

i'm sure you'll be famous one day and wherever you go, i know that you'll be loved.

only by a few for now, but in the future, maybe thousands of fans?

you'll get there. you have to. i can see it happening that you'll get back in japan, a world famous idol by then.

your friend,
y/n l/n

Dear Nishimura Riki ⚊ Letter Series # 6Where stories live. Discover now