letter fourteen

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dear nishimura riki,

what hurts the most today when we were in the same class, it's the first i sat near to you and yet, it didn't become a good outcome for you were talking about her to your seatmate which happens to be my friend.

when i saw your ever loving smile falter, my heart breaks a bit about you telling yuki on how your girlfriend never said the eight letters back.

but the smile never left your face.

and i knew you would be willing to wait for her until she was ready to say it in return.

it would probably be the most sweetest words you'll ever hear than my saddest excuse me when we happed to reach for the same brush at the last ten minute of the class.

you just nodded and reach for another one, never even saying a single world to me.

and damn, how that feels more heartbreaking to feel invisible in front of your crush.

am i really not that noticeable?

your secret admirer,
y/n l/n

Dear Nishimura Riki ⚊ Letter Series # 6Where stories live. Discover now