not meant to last letter

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dear nishimura eiji,

every relationship is not meant to last forever.

we meet people in our lives who help us grow emotionally and spiritually. we feel serene and grateful for having that person in our life. we feel deeply connected to them.

they come in our lives for a purpose. when that goal is achieved, they leave ( some people do it in a mature way- they meet, talk and explain why it's not working out for them and some people do it in an immature way- like ghosting, breadcrumbing, and so on).

we just have to accept their loss. we can't force them to stay in our lives. we can just look back and embrace all the things we learned while we were in the relationship and things need to be learned after break-up.

sometimes we meet wonderful people (in and out) in our lives, but they are not meant to stay forever in our lives.

i think you still love me, but we can't escape the fact that i'm not enough for you.

i knew this was going to happen, so i'm not blaming you for falling in love with another girl. i'm not angry, either. i should be, but i'm not.

i just feel pain. a lot of pain. i thought i could imagine how much this would hurt, but i was wrong.

tonight as i sat in front of my desk, tears run down my cheeks and wishing for the pain to go away, so i could just get some sleep.

i realized how cruel you were, and that you don't deserve my heart. my love for you was true and pure, i allowed you to be my first boyfriend in the past two years.

you just used me and played me, made me feel alone when you once told me you'll make me feel special.

one day, you'll realized what you had, what you gave up. i would have stood by you, no matter what happens and it'll still be the same between the two of us.

i really did love you with all of my heart, but i guess that alone just wasn't enough.

not coming back anymore,
y/n l/n

Dear Nishimura Riki ⚊ Letter Series # 6Where stories live. Discover now