note three

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dear y/n l/n,

eiji just told me what he did to you with his new girlfriend. how could he have done something so shitty?

you were with him for a long time and had been nothing but a good, doting girlfriend and yet, he still cheated on you. it pisses me off so much, i'm not going to lie.

i nearly punch him if i didn't remember he's my cousin.

you are sweet, caring, beautiful and selfless, and damn I could go on and on, but i won't for the sake of remembering you still love him, because why else would you want to move away if not to try forget him?

y/n, i'm so sorry for what he did.

if i could turn back time and repeat it all again, i would make a move, so then maybe you could never get hurt like this.

please come back.. i would be ready to be your friend, i promise.

you could cry it all to me and i'll just be there.

you might know this, but it's true, i miss you.

sincerely a friend,
nishimura riki

Dear Nishimura Riki ⚊ Letter Series # 6Where stories live. Discover now