note one

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dear y/n l/n,

it feels so weird.. why am i writing a letter after three years and a half being away from japan?

i cannot help if i was a tad bit braver, i wouldn't be writing this instead. but i had to go and lost you to my cousin, right?

as i am writing this, i'm listening to "a little braver" by new empire which kinds of explains all of us after we lost another member again in the group.

our leader left us.. unintentionally but it does certainly leave wounds.

i didn't even get to say goodbye to him. we just walked in the chapel for the second time this year and when my mother asked me how i'm feeling, i told her i don't know.. i just felt empty is all. i told her why do we keep losing the people who you thought as the most important?

most importantly, i asked her on why it hurts so much, there seems to be no end in my tears that day we heard we lost another.

why do it have to be him? why do it have to be one of my hyungs?

i am really sorry i can't be there to save him.

sincerely a friend,
nishimura riki

ps. ignore the tear stains on the paper.

Dear Nishimura Riki ⚊ Letter Series # 6Where stories live. Discover now