letter twenty four

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dear nishimura riki,

he introduced himself as nishimura eiji.

his eyes were in the same shape of yours, he wore a black beanie like in those anime shows, and damn so unlike you, he talks too much to me.

he seems like a nice guy. one who doesn't stopped talking from the morning until we have to go at the cafeteria and only then he would shut up in front of the food.

and to my surprise, he sat by my side during classes. he joined me on my lunch tables, talking to my friends and waiting for me at the bus stop to get home together.

he even waited for me in the morning, saying he doesn't want to enter the classes until i was not present.

it's strange.. how long would stay like this? how long would he linger until i became invisible to him too?

your secret admirer,
y/n l/n

Dear Nishimura Riki ⚊ Letter Series # 6Where stories live. Discover now