one unsended letter

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dear y/n l/n,

i wanted to tell you that i knew your favorite book, and your favorite ice cream flavor, and the way you always tapped your fingers on your thigh when you were in thought at every classes.

i wanted to tell you that i prided myself in the fact that i memorized each freckles on your skin and how they were like pinpricks of stars forming their little constellations.

i wanted to tell you that i would be there for you, on the bad days too.

i wanted to hear your laugh, and know that i was the reason. i wanted to tell you that you could call me at 2 am and just cry, and i'd completely understand.

i wanted to tell you that you'd completely gotten my attention, that you were once the center of my universe.

instead, i just smiled as i passed you in the halls and never said a thing about it.

and this kind of epilogue between the two of us, this kind of end tells all you did not say in the beginning.

i chose to love you in silence, because in silence i feel no rejection and that silence brought my biggest mistake.

and i thought i was moving on, until one day, one of my hyungs here asked me, "if you had one wish, what would it be?"

and the first thing i thought was to was to waste that wish on you.

to wish that you and i somehow end up happily together.

there's something that i've learned and realized from all of this;

confess before it's too late.

your secret admirer,
nishimura riki

Dear Nishimura Riki ⚊ Letter Series # 6Where stories live. Discover now