letter eleven

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dear nishimura riki,

it took me a month to realize why i was addicted to sad songs and all because of one thing.

i realized why the older girls seems to say that you don't have to be in a relationship and go through a break up to be heartbroken. isn't many of us have to feel it in different ways?

based on what i've heard, your parents and even your friends can break your heart too.

so as much as the simple crush when i felt how my chest constrict and how my last shred of hope began to shred until it resulted into a waterfalls of tears.

but no one did see for everyone was now focus onto the big tandem of the year.

today was the day when you asked her to be your girlfriend in front of all of us.

and i was there behind her when she said yes.

and there's nothing i can do but feel my heart was left to shatter into a million pieces.

your secret admirer,
y/n l/n

Dear Nishimura Riki ⚊ Letter Series # 6Where stories live. Discover now