letter five

734 57 6

dear nishimura riki,

i know the thing about you loving to dance and how it would not be called life if there was no dancing to add as the main highlight.

it always fascinated me how it was spread around the school that you're already dancing at the age of three and that must be why it's no wonder you're able to dance with your idols on stage.

you were even crying at the pictures and honestly, it's so amazing to imagine you'll be big one day, famous for what you loved to do.

but at the same time, even if the thought is a positive one, it makes me sad. for if it became true, i would probably one of those another wide eyed fangirl in the row who's desperately inlove with you.

right now, i am just one of your schoolmates.

someday, i'll just be one in a million girls that you won't notice for someone more special behind the stage.

you may think i am crazy for thinking this in advance.

maybe i am, but i am just crazy for you.

your secret admirer,
y/n l/n

Dear Nishimura Riki ⚊ Letter Series # 6Where stories live. Discover now