letter thirty eight

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dear nishimura riki,

right now i have a closed bottle of jar in front of me, with my lampshade turned on in the night. a faint smile was making it's way on my face as i wait to tie the ribbon, writing the last letter that i will never send to you, anyway.

such a bittersweet ending, with a hope for a new beginning.

this is my last entry and i hope now that you're in korea, you'll find you're true calling there from dancing which made you happy in this life.

somewhere along the way of being lost in the sea of unrequited love, i somehow found a way to swim forward and get a glimpse of the waiting moonlight who awaits to make me happy.

thank you, riki.

this is not the end, but the beginning of the separate long journey of ours. the journey of love and friendship that we can all share to anyone that we love.

ps. it was eiji who keeps stealing your bonggeupang from your bedroom! that pig baby keeps on blaming me! i heard you two talking about me!

pps. don't tell him i told you or else he'll sulk about it for hours.

see you again,
y/n l/n

Dear Nishimura Riki ⚊ Letter Series # 6Where stories live. Discover now